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Weckisoris are Weck Hair Shapers with restored handles. The name I stole from sychodelix. I've made quite a few of them recently - they are wonderful shavers - less edgy than a razor blade shavette, not quite as sharp as a Feather AC but you can keep them sharp by stropping and the replacement blades are about 1/2 the price of the Feathers. I'm on shave six with one right now. They are a great alternative to the "too sharp" entry razors that new folks try when learning to use a straight. They are inexpensive - cheaper than a shavette in most cases. The best bet is to buy a SextoBlade razor since it has the heft and balance of a normal straight (it is a folder). However, I bought several of the 'hair shaper' versions and found them to be too lightweight so I started converting them to Weck Kamisoris (Weckisoris).

TheVez2 said the name sounds like an ancient dinosaur bird - and I think that is appropriate - the Weck's with the blade guards in place (they come off) kinda look Jurassic.

Here are a couple of pictures.


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Very nice! So you shave with the guard in place?

Some of them you can (all the ones in the pictures you can) but I don't. I remove the guard. The guard is nice for keeping it on the counter, though. It protects you a bit.
I'm still waiting on that trademark licensing fee. Woudn't want any...customer confusion now, would we?

Just $99.99 per year.

I like! 30 huh?

30 day set? That would be four of them. I just finished shave 7 with one - it is good for at least 8 shaves so... 4 x 7 (or 8) is about 30 days. ;-} I'm probably going to shoot for a 60 day set since I have the materials. That's not too obsessive, is it?

Note: The only way I can get to 8 shaves with one is to strop it. The blades last about three to four shaves for me (without stropping). The great thing is that they seem to take to stropping very nicely. I have used both a 'normal' strop and a Kanayama and the Kanayama is undoubtedly the best. You can tell the difference just like you can with a regular straight.
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This is really cool and I can't believe this thread hasn't gotten more action! Can you post a bit more about your process? Do you think it would work with the modern Fromm shapers too? I'd like to try it on something cheap and readily available before modifying an antique
I agree - this is a very cool idea. I really like my Weck. I may get another someday, just so I can modify it.
This is really cool and I can't believe this thread hasn't gotten more action! Can you post a bit more about your process? Do you think it would work with the modern Fromm shapers too? I'd like to try it on something cheap and readily available before modifying an antique

Yes, the new Fromm hair sharpers work as well. See the new contest about replaceable blade shavers in the general straight section and get in on it!
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