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Weber or Tradere for me?

I'm pondering saving up for a stainless steel razor. I think the Feather might be a bit too mild for me. My favorite razor is a Progress set to 2. In your experience, would either the Weber or the Tradere SB be a good choice?
I've never tried the Weber but I can say I haven't shaved with anything else since my Tradere OC arrived. I have to say that's the best endorsement I can give a razor. I typically hate the "more aggressive" razors but find this a great tool for one day of stubble or a few days growth.
If you like a Progress set to 2 then a Weber all the way. The Tradere and the Weber are 1A and 1B for me. My two favorite razors bar none.
I own both and I would recommend you get the Tradere. Not because it is better. Because it looks so much nicer. Both are excellent performing razors but the Tradere is head and shoulders above the Weber in the look, feel, quality aspect. If you don't get the Tradere you will always regret it and still want one so you might as well bite the bullet and go for it NOW :lol:

That Tradere sure is purdy. It's also a pretty penny. I'm gonna have to start saving.
I have both. The Weber is a little milder than the Tradere. The Tradere is a work of art. Nice shaver. If money is no object I would go for the Tradere SB other wise go for the Weber. You won't be sorry. It shaves similar to the Edwin Jagger 89 series.
Weber for Mild shaves
Trader SB for Moderate shaves

Should be plenty of room in your stable for both...
My SB just came in the mail from Bullgoose. I'm thinking the polished Weber classic handle will sure look nice on it. Looking forward to tomorrow's shave.
I have both. The Weber is a little milder than the Tradere. The Tradere is a work of art. Nice shaver. If money is no object I would go for the Tradere SB other wise go for the Weber. You won't be sorry. It shaves similar to the Edwin Jagger 89 series.
I have both as well, the Tradere OC is more aggressive, the Weber is surprisingly smooth as well as being efficient. I like them both.
I have both and prefer the Tradere SB. Nothing shaves me closer or smoother. Both are excellent razors though and neither will disappoint.
I have a weber and recently sold my Tradere OC. Both are very well made razors with the edge going to Tradere. However, I found the Tradere OC to be too mild for me. The weber is more aggressive and very effecient yet still smooth and does not I've me irritation or weepers.
My vote goes to the Weber all day & every day. It is a great performer. I get incredible BBS face & dome shaves all the time. Plus for $70... it is easily the best bang for your buck razor on the planet. Not only is it a great performing razor with a great price, it is also a real looker. Enclosed is my Weber ARC w/ Bulldog Handle.

My SB just came in the mail from Bullgoose. I'm thinking the polished Weber classic handle will sure look nice on it. Looking forward to tomorrow's shave.

Drivegas, I also got mine today. I have the Weber bull dog handle which I love on my Tradere OC and even though I have not shaved with the SB yet, the bull dog looks just as good.
I have the SB and once I learned how to ease of the pressure I have been getting the best shaves.

Now RAD never ends, and with all the praise for Weber I had to find out if I were missing something so I pulled the trigger on a polished one as they came out. It is a very nice razor, much milder than the SB. I can see why people love it. Had I bought it before the SB I would have very pleased as with my technique then, spoiled by the super forgiving vintage gillettes, there would have been very little learning curve if any compared to the SB.

But, since I got used the SB I see little point in shaving with mild razors. The SB is more efficient and shaves my beard closer and more evenly.

The Tradere polished head looks nice on the polished weber handle, but I prefer the feel of the more refined tradere handle in my hand. I like the "flare tip" and the finish is outstanding. The weber handle has deeper knurling, so it would offer better grip if say your hand is full of very slick lather, but that is never really the case.

Bottom line: I thought I was missing something and I wasn't. The Weber will go on BST once I get around to do that (I have a long list of razors to be sold). As always, my beard and my skin are one of their kind, YMMV.
I have both the Weber (ARC bulldog) and Tradere OC, and my Weber barely gets a look-in. The Tradere is a class above in terms of build quality, and I find it to be the more efficient shaver. The Weber is essentially a stainless steel Merkur HD, and this is a good thing, but while it's an excellent razor the Tradere has de-throned it.
Owning a Weber razor, I enjoy it quite a bit, but I still find myself looking for that just right razor for me. I'm hoping the Tradere will be a bit more aggressive and just as smooth as the Weber. Then it will be exactly what I want and need. I'll be purchasing the Tradere SB within the week.
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