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Weak Side Shave Better?

I saw a poll that said 2/3 of DE shavers only use dominant hand. I am right handed, and find that my shave is better on the left side of my face/neck. It is not terribly major, but it's noticeable both for comfort and closeness. The motions reaching across just seem more natural or more comfortable. Does any one else notice this?

I am tempted to try some left handed experiments on the right side, though I am not a fan of destructive testing.

Yep. Noticed it ever since I started DE shaving. My shave is generally better on the left side. I think it's kind of counterintuitive.
I never got the nerve to try shaving the right side of my face with my left hand.
I haven't noticed. And probably better for me if I don't try shaving with left hand.

+1. I value my life too much to go messing around trying to shave with my non-dominant hand. I tried to lather left handed once. That was enough to convince me.

I also agree with the OP. I don't know if it's the angle the blade cuts at or the pressure, or both. I do shave my upper lip using both hands. I shave the to the right side of the middle cleft with my right hand in an upward motion (S to N) and the same on the left side with my left hand. This allows me to get those little hairs way up towards my nostril openings easily. I can't get them all going down or sideways.

I am not talented at all when it comes to using my left hand. As Jerry Seinfeld said...."I can't go left". However, since I do manage to shave my upper lip without cutting it off, I might try shaving the right side of my face with my left hand tomorrow.

Interesting. Thanks for bringing it up.
I've seen some research back in college that suggests that using your off hand to brush your teeth helps improve problem solving and other cognition throughout the day once it's made a habit. Think engaging parts of the brain that control sides of the body, eliminating muscle memory and requiring focus.

I have also also seen (some) testimony on here that suggests off hand shaving improves all around shave, because it forces you to focus on technique more.

Either way, maybe it's worth some experimentation.
I'm left handed, and reaching over to the right side of my face feels unnatural to me, just can't do it. I probably get just as scared of it as you all do of swapping hands lol. I almost divide my face down the middle, shaving each side with it's corresponding hand, with some overlapping. My right side still gets a better shave lol.
I've noticed the opposite, I'm right handed but I get a better shave on my right side. I'm intrigued though, I do practically everything left handed (batting catching and whatnot) apart from writing, so tomorrow I'll try using my left hand to shave the left side and see if I get a better shave.
I use both hands/arms. My right hand/arm is my dominant hand, but it has suffered massive permanent damage to the elbow, the result of a motor cycle accident (there is no anatomical looking elbow there, just a fibrous mass). My arm is permanently bent, I have very little movement in my wrist (this actually comes from from the 2 bones revolving at around the elbow area), plus essentially no triceps muscle movement of the arm. For shaving east to west (cheek & under jaw) I use this arm as it feel's the most natural.
There is little difference in shave quality but the right side of my face appears slightly smoother at times
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