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WAY too man boar brushes!

Hi All,

Being new I have decided that I might as well try out a boar brush. Right now I have a Omega Stripe Pure Badger and am not terribly impressed with it.

Boar brushes are inexpensive enough that I think I can get the "best" one. From what I have read Omega seems to make some of the best but there are approximately 1 gazillion models to choose from! Are there any in particular I should consider? Is there one commonly considered the best overall brush? I like using both creams and soaps.

Right now I am considering a 31064 or a 10098 Pro. Do you know if there is a guide to the numbering? Their website basically lists a ton of brushes and I Have no idea what the numbers mean... :huh:


The title should be "WAY to many boar brushes!" It is getting late... *sigh*
The Semogue 1305, and any of the Omegas are great brushes. Go with one that has a slightly longer loft since you use creams and soaps.
My first brush was an Omega Pro model 10048. I also recently picked up a 10066, and an 81052. Both are good brushes, the 81052 seems to take less time to break in.
Most people would recommend the Omega Pro 49. It's a great brush, and only costs about $10.

One thing to be aware of, is that there is a vast difference in sizing among the boar brushes in the Omega line.

The Omega #49 Pro has a loft (height of the hairs) of 65mm (making it a very tall brush), and a knot size of 27mm (the knot size measures the diameter of the brush hairs at their widest point)**

In a nutshell, it's a huge brush!

There is nothing wrong with huge brushes, but it may not be your personal preference.

Shoeboxshaveshop sells a large number of the Omega boar brushes, and lists their respective sizing data as well:


** This is how I understand Loft/Knot size. Members far more knowledgeable about brushes than I, feel free to elaborate.
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The 3100XX is the supreme of all of them. Give it 2-3 weeks and it will break in real soft and smooth and become a lather monster !!
...(the knot size measures the diameter of the brush hairs at their widest point)**

You've got loft right, but knot diameter is not the diameter of the brush hairs at their widest point. Knot diameter is the diameter of the bundle of bristles/hair (called the knot) as measured where the bristles/hair meet/enter the handle. It's effectively the diameter of the hole drilled in the brush's handle.

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I would get an omega pro 49 or a semogue 830. I have a 49 and love it, its a great all around brush. Does excellent with soaps and creams face or bowl lathering.

The 830 is the next boar I'm going to purchase. Looks very good and it has the same knot as the 1305 but packed with more bristles. Should be a great brush as well.
Get the Omega 49 & Semogue 1305/1800. That way you get two great brushes that are completely different. The outlay is not toooooooooo bad & i will be willing to bet you love the pair of em.:thumbup1:
Boar brushes are inexpensive enough that I think I can get the "best" one.

As in all this gear there is a rather big YMMV part in this....

Besides Omega and Semogue there are also the nice Vulfix boars. They have different characteristics and when you think they are cheap enough you could order a few and find out for yourself. Just don't forget they all have a break-in period so don't judge them after just half a dozen shaves!
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Yeah, there's a lot out there, but boar is inexpensive. So if SBAD strikes, then being addicted to boar is a good thing. :thumbup1:
You've got loft right, but knot diameter is not the diameter of the brush hairs at their widest point. Knot diameter is the diameter of the bundle of bristles/hair (called the knot) as measured where the bristles/hair meet/enter the handle. It's effectively the diameter of the hole drilled in the brush's handle.


Thanks for the correction. :thumbup1:

I checked the Wiki this morning, finding no definition of knot size there, and went with what seemed most logical to me.

The brush sticky also doesn't seem to thoroughly define knot size.
After reading some reviews, watching youtube and just generally obsessing I think I will order the 31064. And maybe the 49. Seeing they take a while to break in I don't want to order too many.

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