Any of you guys tried an at-home wax to get rid of ear hair? I have a nose/ear hair clipper that works pretty good, but I have to do it 1x a weeek--would be nice if it lasted longer.
When I was in barber school, I had a couple of the other students wax my ears. I was old enough to be dad to most of the students. I was given really funny looks. I'm getting old enough that I've had coarse Yoda hair along the edge of my ears for awhile.
It works very well. Lasts awhile.
A couple weeks ago I went to a beauty school here in town and had it done. Same funny looks and response.
Not sure if its available everywhere and due to safety considerations it may not even be legal, but my Barber uses twisted piece of paper dipped in alcohol and then lights it. He uses the small flame to quickly burn ear hair (and upper cheek hair). Probably not something to try on your own but if you can find a shop that does it, it works great.
Never tried waxing, but I use the clippers and it works really good. I only have to do it every couple of weeks or so, and it only takes around a minute to do.