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Water temperature question

Hi :001_smile

Was just wondering if the heat of the water you are lathering your creams in affect the quality of the lather?

I made lather this morning with hot water, and I'm pretty sure the quality of the lather was improved over cooler/ warm water.

Any views/ opinions?


I have found that for lanolin & tallow based super-fatted soaps and creams, they lather best with cold water :001_smile

Have fun !

Best regards

I usually work with 180 F water when creating lather from creams or soaps. Hotter than that breaks down the lather, while cooler water cools down before I can get the brush on my face.
I usually work with 180 F water when creating lather from creams or soaps. Hotter than that breaks down the lather, while cooler water cools down before I can get the brush on my face.

Lol, now that's a true trooper when it comes to shaving. Even measures the water temperature when he shaves. Man I have a long way to come....:blushing:
Well i my self turn on the hot water wait for it to get hot then i add some cold water in the mixture so that it is warm on the back of the hand and tolerable to the back of the hand then i fill up the sink with it. that is as scientific as it gets and really hot water breaks down lather as previously stated
This is why I do not use a scuttle.
By the time I'm cleaning up, the breakdown of lather is really noticeable in a scuttle but I use enough cream to make it through the shave. Adding a few drops of water between passes is also necessary. When I don't use the scuttle the same amount of cream gives me enough lather for 2 shaves. Even so, I still use the scuttle most of the time, especially in winter.
By the time I'm cleaning up, the breakdown of lather is really noticeable in a scuttle but I use enough cream to make it through the shave. Adding a few drops of water between passes is also necessary. When I don't use the scuttle the same amount of cream gives me enough lather for 2 shaves. Even so, I still use the scuttle most of the time, especially in winter.

I guess it is a YMMV thing. I found it annoying having to add more water during the shave and sold my scuttle.
Lol, now that's a true trooper when it comes to shaving. Even measures the water temperature when he shaves. Man I have a long way to come....:blushing:

Actually, no. But I have checked with a thermometer in the past to get an idea of what works for me.

The way it works for me these days is that the water used for creating lather comes out of my electric thermo kettle. It has a several temperature settings on it, one of them being 180 F. The hot water supply from the house water heater is set a lot lower than that.
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