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Wapi Straight dulls easily


I have had this Wapienica straight razor for a little over a year now but have hardly used it because of how dull it easily gets.
Were do I start.
It's been giving me problems. I just got it back from a professional that deals with straight razors ( He has a popular store set up with them and all, so one can assume he knows what he's doing. )
He "re-sharpened" it, because I was in doubt of my honing ability.

So once again, after a hot shower and plenty lather, the shave is going fine, blade is gliding nice, until, I get to the other side of my face...
The blade has dulled. How can that be possible ?

Every time , it feels like I have to hone it or at least strop it in between shaves !
So I don't know what's happening, could it be the blade ? Its a "New Old Stock" Wapienica. ( "Looks" like its in perfect condition ).

Any suggestions ?


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Improper heat treat maybe?

You could try honing with a layer of tape to beef up and bevel a bit.

Was it ever buffed and polished?
Do you mean "in between shaves" as after one side of the face or after a complete shave?

I do mean "in between a current shave" as in, after one side of the face is complete.

I've never had a problem with any of mine.

Who does your honing?

Here is his website : https://toshoknifearts.com/

Foil edge?

I don't know what that means.

Improper heat treat maybe?

You could try honing with a layer of tape to beef up and bevel a bit.

Was it ever buffed and polished?

I don't know if it was ever buffed or polished, all I know is that it came "pre-sharpened" when I ordered it.

Do you have other straight razors that don't exhibit this behavior?

I don't have any other straight razors that I can compare to.
Foil edge, means that there is a little bit of metal that is thin like a piece of foil, after stropping the metal is perfectly aligned and can cut. It is so thin that is is deflected and it no longer cuts.
I personally have never heard of the guy that did your honing. What troubles me is that he does not sell razors, and does not mention straight razor honing. Sharpening a knife and honing a razor are two differient things.

I would get a member to hone it. Myself or one of our other generous members would be happy to do it, or you can send it to Phil at www.classicedge.ca or Larry at www.whippeddog.com.

Any of these options will get your razor shave ready.
Wapis were produced in different series over time, I've heard of different quality between series, but nevertheless this shouldn't happen if the razor was properly honed.. Getting another shave ready razor to compare or sharpening the Wapi by someone on the forum is the way to go
I personally have never heard of the guy that did your honing. What troubles me is that he does not sell razors, and does not mention straight razor honing. Sharpening a knife and honing a razor are two differient things.

I would get a member to hone it. Myself or one of our other generous members would be happy to do it, or you can send it to Phil at www.classicedge.ca or Larry at www.whippeddog.com.

Any of these options will get your razor shave ready.

I can attest to Jon's (Raithskar) skills. He will put a wicked coticule edge on your Wapi.

I just got my NOS Wapi today in the mail, and am going to hone it up tonight. I will let you know if I run into any similar problems with mine...
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