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Want to upgrade but am overwhelmed by options!

I'm currently using a body shop synthetic brush and it works OK but it hurts when applying lather, and Im not do sure it builds a good lather whatsoever.

So, I have a roughly 50$ budget. What is the BEST I can get for my money at the moment? I've looked at whipped dog, omega, muhle, and a Parker that was reccomensed by a friend.

I want something soft and with some heft to it.
If your a bit handy or willing to watch the BST then I recommend a vintage with a TGN knot. Depending on how soft, large, etc. you want, any of their knots and a handle you like should fit your budget. There are tons of neat handles to choose from here, on ebay or at flea markets and antique stores.
If your a bit handy or willing to watch the BST then I recommend a vintage with a TGN knot. Depending on how soft, large, etc. you want, any of their knots and a handle you like should fit your budget. There are tons of neat handles to choose from here, on ebay or at flea markets and antique stores.

I will second the idea of DIY with a TGN knot. I have recently done 3 restore/reknots with Ever-Ready handles that I found at local Flea Markets and Antique Malls. It was a lot of fun for me and I think they turned out very well. I did not find the process at all difficult, especially after reading the information available here on Badger and Blade. I was able to find the old handles for $5.00 each and the knots cost between $17 and $28 each. Even one of their Super Silvertip knots is only about $33. If you can't find a vintage handle locally, you can always find them on the on-lline auctions sites for about $10. This gives you the option to pick a handle you like and pick a knot you like. Then you can adjust the amount of backbone by how deep you set the knot and adjust the amount of weight you would like by adding filler. When you are all done you have the pride of having done it yourself.
So, I have a roughly 50$ budget. What is the BEST I can get for my money at the moment?
There's no such thing. Best is always highly subjective on any topic and brushes are YMMV like everything else here. Is the synthetic the only brush you've used? If not, what others have you used and what did you like and dislike about them? Are softness and heft your only criteria? How do you build lather? What about knot size, loft, etc? Are you only considering badgers? The better the info you give us the better the feedback you'll get just as it is with any subjective question. Get your needs/wants down first and then use that to narrow down the options. If you put the cart before the horse the options will always seem overwhelming no matter what you're shopping for.
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I own an omega badger, duke 2 and two whipped dog 20 mm. No doubt my duke 2 is softer and has more backbone than my whipped dog silvertip but it cost 3 times as much. If you really want to save money and have good performance the whipped dog it is. Dont discount the dog due to price. My lather never disappoints when I use my whipped dogs. With that said i do prefer my duke.
If you can wait, Vintagescent has Samogue brushes cheap. You can get a good brush in you price range. If you can handle 70.00 the soc 2 band badger is a great brush, good for face lathering and bowl
Sorry for this cheap as chips, any FS brush in finest. Have a look at his faux horn chubby (my current fave in finest) or ask for a different knot.
I have a Whipped Dog Silvertip, and I like it, but I recommend you get it at 50mm rather than the default or 45mm like he suggests.
The H.I.S. Synthetic, Frank Shaving Best, and TGN Best knots are getting a lot of good press. So do Semogue Boars and Vie-Long Horse Brushes.
I have an Omega Boar in addition to the Whipped Dog and I like them both for less than 50$ put together. Granted I'm a soap user and the boar just does better with that.

If you want soft, Walmart has an Eco-tools Bronzer brush for <10$ that is really good at making loads of wet lather. It's a bit odd in the hand being a long makeup brush but it does work.

As for the Body shop brush, I rate it below my Shea Moisture bager and VDH Boar, which are cheaper, more common Walmart/Target/Drugstore brushes.
Rudy Vey is a good way to go... he does custom work and depending on the knot you choose it can be very affordable.
As you can see, there are a lot of good options out there.

You can also see if you can coax better performance out of your Body Shop brush. There is an excruciatingly detailed thread here.
A TGN in finest is a very solid choice in your price range. Either restored handle or a cheap custom (like the one linked).
Berkeley and Special in best are both nice choices from Simpson if you prefer a three band badger.
Or you could get a high end boar like a Semogue SOC.
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