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Wade & Butcher Horn Scale Restoration Questions

I recently picked up a W&B straight from prsman23. It is believed to be from the early to mid-1800s. Based on my research here on the forums, the scales appear to be made of horn (likely the originals).

Without taking them apart (I don't really have plans to), I have given them a gentle scrubbing with a soft toothbrush and paste. I then soaked in some peroxide, and proceeded with a second gentle scrub. This did wonders in removing some of the yellow toning from the scales.

Now, I would like to finish this project off. The problem is - there are a few hairline cracks and bumps on the scales. I understand that the scales can be sanded with micromesh to help clean up any uneven areas and chips. But what is to be done about those cracks? Is there some way to seal them to prevent them from chipping? Should the chip/crack cleanup take place before or after the neatsfoot oil treatment? I plan to round the whole thing off with some beeswax in the end.

Attached photos are pre-cleanup.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!



B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I have heard of gents using epoxy or CA glue to stabilize the cracks.
I have successfully used gap filling CA to take care of the little flea bites. Avoid "superglue" as it is not thick enough to fill the gap. Also I strongly recommend fully removing the scales to really have access to fill the nicks, cracks, and holes. It also makes the sanding more uniform across the whole scale. I usually get my gap filling CA at woodcraft, but I suspect hobby stores would also carry the type too.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Don't worry too much about the flea bites. Just sand the sharp bits round and call it character. Runny CA can be used to stabilise the cracks. I would probably do it before the neatsfoot while everything is dry. I think the glue would adhere better.
I would keep it original, and leave the scales in place, doing the best I could to get between them. I haven't stabilized cracks in horn, but I would imagine that the CA should work (and others seem to think the same). Sand them if you want (they look fine to me), do a neetsfoot oil soak, polish the outside with some beeswax, and call it a day. You have to realize that with a ~150 year old razor (and scales) that they will show some wear. It adds character if you ask me :).
If you can press the flaking scales together then us CA. It takes about three to four months for Neatsfoot oil to soak in. Much can be done with just sanding alone.
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