Has anybody used the Vitos Colonia AS? Specifically the Lavanda. Looking to add a lavender based AS and saw this on IB which I was thinking to adding to an order I'll be placing in the future.
good stuff,but not true lavender..rockviper is correct,this is very synthetic stuff.....if you want a real lavender a/s go for Atkinsons (but only in the bottle pictured here,it is their premier formula) ,vintage Yardley ,Puig lavanda,and Claus Porto lavanda ,Coldinava from Italy is also very nice,but I suspect it has been discontinued...
Thanks malocchio. I think I'm going to go with the Puig Lavanda then. I bought a sample of it from Gary and really liked it and thought the Vitos would be along the same lines and at a really good price for the amount they charge. I realize most people will say the plastic bottle is inferior to the glass bottle but the sample is from the plastic bottle and it was just fine for me.