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Vision vs Progress vs Futur

Hi all.

I have only one adjustable razor (Gillette Slim) and am considering buying another. I own two Merkurs (Slant HD and HD classic) and am considering the abovementioned razors.

It's likely going to be a toss-up between the Progress and the Futur (unless someone can truly convince me that the Vision is worth more than twice the price of the others) so I am very keen to hear thoughts of people who have tried more than one of these babies.

I appreciate any loyalty/sentiment from people that use and favour/dislike one razor, but I am looking for genuine comparisons from people that have properly used two or all three of these razors.

As a side note, I have fairly coarse hair, if that plays any part in it (not really, with adjustables, right?)

Feedback would be much appreciated.


I have all 3 of the razors. I wouldn't go with the Vision. It's not a bad razor (although you'll hear alot of Vision bashing here) but it isn't worth the extra dollars.

I had my Progress modified by Mer from this forum and it is perhaps my favorite razor. The shave is smooth and you can dial it up or down to get the level of aggressivness you want. The range is large enough that it can go from very mild to really aggressive. I find it a very smooth shaver.

The Futur is nice also, but it is a little unwieldy for under the nose and around the mouth because the head is just so large. Not a bad choice, but I'd say second to the Progress.

My recommendation would be Progress and if you don't mind spending a few extra bucks, have it modified by Mer.
There's 1 for the Progress. Thank you very much for your input JPM - that sort of review (from someone who has experienced all three) is an excellent example of EXACTLY what I was looking for. Much appreciated. Those mods look incredible - and the extra mass granted by the long dial will likely make up for the difference betwen the progress and futur. Good tip!
I have both the Progress (with Ikon knob,) and Futur. I wouldn't buy a Vision, because I don't feel its worth all the extra money, and I'm not that fond of TTO razors.

Between the two that I have, Progress wins hands down. If you get one, don't even consider getting it without the enhanced knob. It makes all the difference in the world between a razor that is mediocre and one that is GREAT.

Merkur now has a long-handled Progress, and there are upgrade knobs available for that, also. If you like a longer handle and heftier weight to your razor, this might be the way to go.

Upgrade knobs for the Progress are available from 3 craftsmen here on B&B: mer, cooncatbob, and Pureslab. Some vendors keep them in stock as well.
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I have used all 3 razors, although my Progress is new and I have only used it a few times. My favorite of the three is the Futur. It is bullet-proof and provides a very good shave. It also works great with any blade I have. I think the Vision may provide a very slightly closer shave, but it is quite large, very expensive, and requires regular preventive maintenance to keep it problem free. Also, there appear to be more issues with the Vision than the Futur. The Futur is my favorite razor of all the razors I have tried (I have tried about 15 razors--Gillettes and Merkurs). So unless you think it is too big, my recommendation is the Futur.

Of course, YMMV.

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I can really only comment on the Futur. If you like a big, solid and agressive razor then the Futur is for you. I like mine alot.
I use a Futur. Of all the razors I own, I would say this is like the Bentley of razors when it comes to form, fit, and finish IMHO. Mine is gold plated, and may I say, pleasant to look at and shave with. It is a very solid razor.
I have owned all three and at 38C. Sold the Vision as it is just too dangerous for my use, but that is just me. I've tried the progress, standard, and still find the Futur and 38c to be my favorites.

I'll admit I'm a bit put off by fiddling with the setting to find the right level after a blade change with the Progress, when compared with the Futur and others, such as any Gillette.


Not the Vision. Between the Progress and the Futur, I slightly prefer the Progress but you'll have to pay extra for a custom knob and there is the uneven blade exposure that you have to adjust. Also, a little more for the XL version. The Futur has no blade exposure problems and can easily be taken fully apart to clean. Nice simple mechanism. As far as grip goes for both, just have dry hands and it will not slip. The Progress has a lower profile head better for under the nose. In the end, I recommend trying both.
I own the Mergress and Futur and I'm partial to the Mergress for the following reasons:
1) Futur has a slick handle that I find too slippery. Mergress has a fluted handle that makes for a better grip.

2) Futur has a large, thick head that overlaps the sides of the blade and makes it tricky to shave beneath your nose and judge where to trim your sideburns. Mergress's head is smaller and does not have these issues.

3) Futur's blade change process makes it easy to cut yourself on the blade. Mergress's blade change process is like any other TTO razor.

For me, it's the Mergress by a mile!
I can only comment on the Progress.. I think it's a pretty decent modern adjustable and enjoy using it. If I had the money I would also try the Futur. The Vision seems a little clumsy to me and very pricey.
I just got a Vision and I've had a Futur for some time. I do like the Vision, but I am still getting acquainted with it. It gives me a good shave, and while it is a bit bulky, I find that I can get it under my nose with little trouble.

While I'm glad I have the Vision, I prefer the Futur at the moment. Its size Nd weight are just about right, though it is a touch on the agressive side. Still, an excellent razor and I love listening to it cut my beard!

I haven't tried the Progress yet, but my RAD is probablymgoing to force me to pick one up at AoS on Friday (when I get paid). I've been curious about it for awhile, so I'm going to get one. I'll give it a few shaves then plan to ship it off to Mer for suitable modification. I want to be able to compare it before/after modification.
I have both a Progress and a Futur. They are great razors and I think you'll be very happy with both, I definatly am. While they are both great shavers, there's no doubt that the Futur is well worth the few extra $. If I HAD to get rid of one, it would be the Progress, but I'd hate to see it go;-)
+1 for the progress! I own a lot of great vintage de's including a frew aristocrats, new standard, new, red tip superspeed, fatboy....... you get the point, but lately I can't put the Progress down! The weight is amazing and it is so adjustable!
Love both progress and futur but because i can handle the progress better i plump for that, futur is a lovely razor but not so nimble around the nose area etc.
I have the Vision and shave with it every day. It is a good razor, but I have the razor set one notch below the middle setting on the less aggressive side. While the Vision is heavy, it does not feel too heavy and is easy to hold onto in your hand. I like Gillette 7 O'clock yellows or Astra blades in the razor. The Mekur blades have too much drag. I also do not like the Derbys or the Bluebirds very well. Too many nicks. I have not graduated to the Feathers yet, although I have a pack in my sample package.

The head of the Vision is large and can be challenging in tighter places like under the nose. I do get a very good shave with this razor and it was my first DE razor after leaving "Fusion country". Cleaning is more of of a job with the Vision, but it is not terribly difficult.

I have ordered an Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Barley (DE) razor from the English Shaving Company, which should be here in about a week. I will let you know how I like this razor by comparison. It is supposed be a little lighter than the Vision, but still has some heft. It is also supposed be somewhat less aggressive than the Vision and has received good reviews on this and other shaving websites.

My Merkur Vision is about four years old and the surface has become badly corroded. I didn't realise that it had a metalic coating applied until it started coming away. The underlying metal forms blisters which eventually break and the surface flakes away to leave the darker underlying metal exposed. I won't be buying another one!
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