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Vintage Yardley on Etsy


$50 for the brush, 2 razors, and soap
Not sure if this is a good price or not, but I hear this isn't particularly easy to find.

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I bought a tub of never used vintage yardley because I was curious about it. Used it a few times and it was...fine. Didn't change my life. Didn't spark a shaving soap epiphany or change forever the way I view this category of goods. It's a classic name and a product no longer in production and so there's this mystique about it.

Now on to your actual question. If you look at what you're getting for 50 bucks, each of those gillettes is worth at least 10 bucks. The ball end gillette assembled incorrectly is one of my favorites so far and a darn good shaver. The brush is neither here nor there but it has to be worth AT LEAST 5 bucks to someone and you may one day want to try your hand at doing a restore and that would be a good brush to experiment on. That means the soap and bowl are costing 25 bucks. Wooden shaving soap bowls go for ten or 15 bucks every day of the week which means that the actual soap is costing 10 or 15 bucks.

Broken down like that, why wouldn't you buy it? I would if I didn't already have both of those shavers and that very soap. If you don't like them, you can resell on BST every day of the week.
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