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Vintage Williams...but how vintage is is?

First of, yes I have problem.
I buy things realting to my various hobbies without thinking first.

That being said, I just won this, being happy with trying out the vintage Williams that many praises as a very good soap:

But when I did some research (yes, again, my bad, I should have done it before...) I saw a whole different box in the "PIF'd vintage Williams" thread,

So, how did I do, will my puck deliver tallowy goodness or just frustration & miserable lather?
Of course I will know in a week or so, but besides being a addicted, compulsive eBayer, I'm also completly impaired when it comes to being patient.
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I think you have tallow there. They moved tallow from first to second or third recently. Your puck looks old enough that the tallow should be right up top. Yum!!
I think you have tallow there. They moved tallow from first to second or third recently. Your puck looks old enough that the tallow should be right up top. Yum!!


So its a fairly recent reformulation? Then it should be alright *fingers crossed*

So its a fairly recent reformulation? Then it should be alright *fingers crossed*

Yes, the re-formulation of Williams into a garbage product that is not even a nano fraction of it's former wonderful self has only happened in the last few years.

Your puck looks to be from at least the 1950's (probably older) so it will mostly certainly be Tallow first, and generate a wonderful creamy lather. Don't expect it to have very much in the way of scent though.
Yes, the re-formulation of Williams into a garbage product that is not even a nano fraction of it's former wonderful self has only happened in the last few years.

Your puck looks to be from at least the 1950's (probably older) so it will mostly certainly be Tallow first, and generate a wonderful creamy lather. Don't expect it to have very much in the way of scent though.

I can do without the scent, its Da Fat I'm after :w00t:

Thanks guys, I feel better know.
there have been a number of threads about Old Williams. Member BobK1 has been very helpful in sorting out info on Williams. See:

williams thread 1

If there is a ZIP code anywhere on the box (in the address of manufacturer) then the soap is no earlier than the early-mid '60s, I think. If there's a bar code (and there isn't on that box, I think) it can be no earlier than 1970. I think.

I have some 21-cent Williams and it's great. Using it this morning, in fact.

there have been a number of threads about Old Williams. Member BobK1 has been very helpful in sorting out info on Williams. See:

williams thread 1

If there is a ZIP code anywhere on the box (in the address of manufacturer) then the soap is no earlier than the early-mid '60s, I think. If there's a bar code (and there isn't on that box, I think) it can be no earlier than 1970. I think.

I have some 21-cent Williams and it's great. Using it this morning, in fact.

Wow, it gets even better :w00t:
You did just fine.

There will more than likely be no scent left (other than old soap scent) but it will lather like the dickens. Your soap is from what I refer to as "60's" but may well be as new as mid seventies. There were at least two reformulations after that soap to the current soap. The performance is exactly the same as the one in the soap pass, just the original scent is different. (But as the scent is gone anyway, it really makes no difference)

Enjoy the soap.
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