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Vintage Trac II blades found in store

I was working today and went in an old Mom and Pop type grocery (Curt and Betty's was the name) and it was the typical old wooden mid Depression Era building with LOTS of junk inside that at one time was considered merchandise so I just HAD to check out the personal care section in hopes of some vintage DE blades.
The only DE blades on the shelf were WM type Personna BUT they had a couple dozen packs of these pre-lube strip Trac II blades! I should have bought more than one package.

Does anyone know when this type packaging was used and the non lube blades sold? I am guessing early to mid eighties. The back of the package says the blades are made in USA.

Have you used one of these yet, and if so, how was it? I found these at a little general store, and they were even on sale! They still had another pack and one that was partially open and missing one cartridge. The date on the back of the package is 1995. It'll be fun using these in my 1980 trac II handle.


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