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Vintage Razor Values

I just made my first offer on a 1959 Gillette Fatboy.

Is there a site that has value of these things? I see some very nice razors going as high as $100 or more. This sounds maybe a bit high to me but then I honestly don't know.

Will do some of my own research, but if someone has a reliable source of values I would appreciate it.

Condition dependent, but you'll only pay really steep prices for new, unopened stock. Used stock in good condition are still easy to get for a decent price. Just ensure the doors close evenly!
I'd suggest searching through the b/s/t to see what fatboys and other razors too (if you are interested) tend to go for here. Then, do the same on ebay - searching completed listings that actually sold. The b/s/t should give you an idea of a "fair" price for the razors. Ebay prices tend to be higher, and possibly are a bit...... inflated??? But that's up to debate. Clearly if they are selling on ebay for those prices, there is appropriate demand. But yea, to sum it up, b/s/t and ebay should give you a good idea of the lower/higher range for an item.

I agree that you should be able to get a fatboy in very good condition for way significantly less than $100.

- Badger Bill
Value is not absolute but depends on what someone wants to pay. And the market for the bay is worldwide.

There are fatboys for sale on a popular auction site for $100's of dollars. They are not worth that to me, but may be to someone.
The advantage of the bay is if you want it badly enough and are willing to pay whatever, you can get it quick. The advantage of the BST forum here is the prices are much more reasonable, BUT you need to be more patient (and quick).
I also find Etsy gives a good range. I hate bidding, it seems ego get involved instead of thought. I'm impressed that the BST is so fair in their prices but you do have to be quick.
Well, I didn't win the razor. Got to visiting with company and the auction went by with me losing by $1.00. :mad3:

On a new auction though. Will make a post if I win that one!

Just won my first vintage razor on EBay today. It's a Gillette 1946-47 Aristocrat. I should get it sometime next week and am looking forward to seeing it in the flesh and seeing how it shaves.
And it starts....the slow unwinding of the judicious savings that one has compiled through blood sweat and long hours all at the alter of shaving. One razor becomes two then five then....ah heck, but it's seriously fun!! Congrats! Pics when you get it
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