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Vintage OS

What is the soap wrapped in? I have never seen an OS soap wrapped like that. Regardless, you should use it. Please report back what the soap looks like under that wrapping.
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Nice mug. :thumbup1:

I'm curious about the soap wrapper, too. What's the soap look like under there? A vintage puck of OS soap, if it's unused, should have a ship logo surrounded by stars, IIRC.

Perhaps you have a mug refilled with another excellent vintage soap?
Well, I guess I didn't do enough research. Thanks for the info to check out the soap. It is not OS soap, but I am still happy to have the mug. It is Surrey soap, not sure how old it might be. Oh well, live and learn right. It was still a good trip, I picked up a B3 Diplomat w/case in excellent condition for $12. That one made the day worthwhile, and I got a cool new mug too! :thumbup:
It is Surrey soap, not sure how old it might be. Oh well, live and learn right.

Surrey was the previous name for the company now known as Van Der Hagen (VDH).

They seemed to be making products at least as far back as the early 1970's, perhaps even the mid 1960's.

Surrey did make a tallow based shaving soap, which I have in stock but have yet to try; you should take this soap for a whirl, as vintage tallow based soaps tend to be phenomenal. :thumbup:
Sorry to find out about the Surrey. Oh well--at least you have a cool mug. However, whenever getting any vintage soap, I immediately use it. It might be that, on some assembly line somewhere, they are tightening the lug nuts on a truck that will one day be bearing down on me. Why wait? I sure as heck don't want somebody getting a good deal on all this stuff at my estate sale! The time to use it is now.
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