This bottle came with a stein. It seems very well made, I will enjoy using it.
Thank youVery nice item
That stinks. You don’t mind as much when it’s an easy to replace item. PGreat looking stein, my Dad had one but it broke in one of our moves.
I had no clue either. Just happened to come across the listing,Okay, that is a one cool piece of kit. I've never seen one, nor was I aware they were even a thing. Do you know what year(s) these were available?
You are always a fount of knowledge my friend.Nice item, Shulton produced a huge number of promotional items, including four steins with pewter lids sold between 1986 and 1990. Your item is a Grand Turk stein, the first in the series, sold in 1986. It retailed at $14 including a bottle of aftershave. The second in the series sold in 1988, with an image of an America's Cup sailboat labelled '12 meter racing sloop, as raced in America's Cup Series One'. The third stein, sold in 1989, showed the ship 'Columbia 1901', and the 1990 stein showed the ship 'Ariel 1866'.