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Vintage Flying Eagle Safety Razor w/ Mirror & Blades

I just won this on eBay and got it for 99....cents!

I can't wait until this arrives in the mail. Has anyone used one or the blades? I wonder if it will take standard blades or not. Anyway, figured why not for 99 cents. :tongue_sm
Bought one of these a few weeks ago, box with mirror, but no blades, quite looking foreward to using it.
You got a good deal @ $0.99!! I got a Flying Eagle TTO a few weeks ago as my first wet shaver. It costed me about about $5. Through my learning phase, I was getting lots of razor burns and nicks. This is due to my lack of experience wetshaving. So far, my shaves are getting more consisent, and less razor burns. This razor has a good solid and heavy feel to it. It's stainless steel, not alloy like some of the other Chinese brands. It will take a standard slotted DE blade. I've used Astra Superior (blue blox) and Gillette Goal blades. So far, I like the Astra. The Gillette only lasted me 1 shave, while the Astra lasted 2-3. I just bought a pack of dirt cheap Tiger blades (made in Czech Repbulic) for less than $1 for a pack of 10 blades. It's carbon, not stainless steel. I'll try it out in the next few days.

My razor had uneven gaps on both sides, so one side will shave a bit more aggressively than the other. Also, the TTO knob is located at the bottom of the handle, and with the way I hold the razor, I tend to loosen the knob when I shave, which makes the gap even bigger (and more aggressive). Otherwise, it seems like a pretty good razor. I've bought some old Gillettes razor from ebay. I can try to do a comparison later. Good luck with your razor.
You got a good deal @ $0.99!! I got a Flying Eagle TTO a few weeks ago as my first wet shaver. It costed me about about $5. Through my learning phase, I was getting lots of razor burns and nicks. This is due to my lack of experience wetshaving. So far, my shaves are getting more consisent, and less razor burns. This razor has a good solid and heavy feel to it. It's stainless steel, not alloy like some of the other Chinese brands. It will take a standard slotted DE blade. I've used Astra Superior (blue blox) and Gillette Goal blades. So far, I like the Astra. The Gillette only lasted me 1 shave, while the Astra lasted 2-3. I just bought a pack of dirt cheap Tiger blades (made in Czech Repbulic) for less than $1 for a pack of 10 blades. It's carbon, not stainless steel. I'll try it out in the next few days.

My razor had uneven gaps on both sides, so one side will shave a bit more aggressively than the other. Also, the TTO knob is located at the bottom of the handle, and with the way I hold the razor, I tend to loosen the knob when I shave, which makes the gap even bigger (and more aggressive). Otherwise, it seems like a pretty good razor. I've bought some old Gillettes razor from ebay. I can try to do a comparison later. Good luck with your razor.
Welcome to B&B, what a 1st post
I've got a solid head Flying Eagle. It is very light and has a huge blade gap, which makes it look scary.

Quite frankly, I like it more than my equally light Merkur Bakelite, as it wasn't as aggressive as I thought it would be.

And by the way, I would advise not bothering to bid for the cheap TTO razors on Ebay. I've tried the cheap Weishi 2003M and An Nuo ones. They just don't seem to work anywhere near as well as a SuperSpeed does, and I've always wound up with heaps of nicks and razor burn.

The solid head ones are definitely better, though most have huge 30 to 40 thou blade gaps. The only mild one I've come across is one called Big Roc, which needs a sharp blade like an Astra `SP to work properly.
My razor had uneven gaps on both sides, so one side will shave a bit more aggressively than the other. Also, the TTO knob is located at the bottom of the handle, and with the way I hold the razor, I tend to loosen the knob when I shave, which makes the gap even bigger (and more aggressive). Otherwise, it seems like a pretty good razor. I've bought some old Gillettes razor from ebay. I can try to do a comparison later. Good luck with your razor.

First, welcome to the board!!! :thumbup:

Second a razor with uneven blade gaps is not a "pretty good razor". What you describe sounds like a cheaply made Chinese piece of crap razor. Uneven blade gaps are totally unacceptable!! The fact that the TTO mechanism won't stay closed is even scarier yet!! :001_unsur:scared:

I'm sorry but replace that *** razor immediately!!! :thumbup1:
Another welcome to the forum!

I'm going to have to agree with John on this one. Your face is much too valuable to be hacking away on it with such an instrument. Trash it in favor of the vintage Gillettes you picked up. You might luck out and have a fairly uneventful shave with it, but you'll end up cutting your face to bits with it eventually.
I picked one of those up a couple months back, $4.99 from China, shipping included. It worked great, and the case is pretty cool too. Worth every penny, even in 2010 dollars.
First, welcome to the board!!! :thumbup:

Second a razor with uneven blade gaps is not a "pretty good razor". What you describe sounds like a cheaply made Chinese piece of crap razor. Uneven blade gaps are totally unacceptable!! The fact that the TTO mechanism won't stay closed is even scarier yet!! :001_unsur:scared:

I'm sorry but replace that *** razor immediately!!! :thumbup1:

Hahaha...thanks for the advice John and Bryan. Yah, it was a cheap razor. I didn't plan to invest much in the beginning, in case I got all nicked up and decided to toss this whole wetshaving idea. But, I'm happy to say that I'm getting hooked on this wetshaving thing. I already bought some vintage Gillette TTo's on eBay (a solid and a combed safety bar). I'm waiting for them to come in now. I'm actually getting used to the Jekyll/Hyde personality of my razor. I will start on the mild side WTG, and finish ATG with the aggressive side. :D I always have to test which side is the mild side, and use the numbers on the blade to keep track. I was doing okay with the Astra blades. I'll update you on my Gillette shavers when they arrive. I also checked the brand of the other Chinese brand I bought. It's called Old Man Razors. Costed only $2. Lightweight, but almost identical design as Flying Eagle. I tried it once, and it scared the crap out of me. Got nicked right from the start using Gillette Goals. The gaps are wide. I'll try it again after I'm better with my shaving techniques.

Well, wanted to update on the Tiger blades. I couldn't wait to try them last night. All I can say is they are dull blades. I got razor burn and some nicks, even on the mild side of my razor. They were tugging at my whiskers, not slicing through them. It was an even worse idea to twirl over to the Mr. Hyde side, thinking it would help cut better. Ended up scraping off more skin. They felt as dull as my 3-4 shave Astras. It could be a bad blade. I'll try another Tiger tonight. Still waiting for the razor burn to go down from last night. :D Also, I tried the cold shaving techinique last night, because there were some good comments from other members in the forum. I'm 100% sure I'm not a cold-water shaving kind of guy. My whiskers felt courser, and harder to cut, even though I soaked it in shaving foam for a few minutes. My skin felt more sensitive when shaving. This is why I'm going to try the Tiger blades again tonight using my usual warm water shaving. I wasn't comparing apples to apples. I dumped in too many variables last night (new blade, new cold water shaving, etc.). Cheers.
Sorry Bob. Seems like I've deviated from your original topic. The lady who sold me my Flying Eagle Razor did not recommend I use the included blade. That's why I bought the Astra and Gillettes. The original blade is still sitting in the box. Don't know if it's a bad blade, or the lady just wanted to upsell me more blades. :D I'll start a new thread after this.
Here's a pic of my Flying Eagle razor and tiger blade. Second time around with the Tiger blade was much better. Still not as sharp at the Astra, but good for 1-2 shaves.

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