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Vintage Brush Question

I purchased an old (vintage?) Ever-Ready 500BN "Badger-Lon" brush. It says it is "badger and nylon".

Is there a page on this site that tells the best way to go about removing the old knot?

Are Ever-Ready good brushes? What about the 500BN? Also, when was production for Ever-Ready brushes stopped?

I'm a novice at this so far. I've put together a couple of TGN sets and will replace the knot on this one with a TGN.

(By the way, is it a bad idea to use the existing knot, since it's been used? Would it be dangerous or risky, health-wise, to wash it with dish washing detergent, soak it in Barbacide, soak it in alcohol and use it? I doubt "badger-and-nylon" is a very nice feeling brush?)

Thanks for any advice, suggestions, etc.!
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You sir, have just opened Pandora's Box..

Ever-Ready brushes are great. And restoring them is not only a cheap alternative to a custom or flashy brush, it gives you a sense of pride working on them and making them you're own.

Check out the sub-forum we have on Brush Resotorations. You'll pick up a lot of great ideas.
You sir, have just opened Pandora's Box..

Ever-Ready brushes are great. And restoring them is not only a cheap alternative to a custom or flashy brush, it gives you a sense of pride working on them and making them you're own.

Check out the sub-forum we have on Brush Resotorations. You'll pick up a lot of great ideas.

Thanks - that looks like a great link. I'll go through it. This brush handle looks very similar to the first one, except for the color.

By the way, I added an additional comment in my above post, regarding hygiene concerns of using the existing knot.

Thanks for the info.

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