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Vindication: recent DE convert tries Fusion

Ok, I have been De shaving for about 9 mos. now and have often thought that I would try my old Mach 3 again someday but have been worried I would like it and be tempted to abandon my beloved vintage Gillettes (although I did note that the benefits as far as ingrown hairs were irrefutable.)

Anyway, I find myself on vacation now and having flown without checking a bag, I planned to stop by Walmart to pick up some Personna blades. Since transportation here is out of my hands, I ended up being offered by my host (uncle) a new Fusion blade to shave with instead of making a trip to the store and, rather than rudely reject it and explain how "superior" my own methods are, I gratefully accepted.

I decided to try to keep everything else the same: same lather, brush, etc., of course but also I decided to do the same shaving pattern and number of passes, which is quite different to how I shaved formerly. So, I lathered up and did a WTG pass, relathered and followed with a XTG pass. That's right just two passes is what I have been doing with a DE (I formerly did one N-S pass with the Mach 3, without regard for direction of growth).

Here is what I found:

(1) I noticed right away how much drag there is with the cartridge. Like pulling sandpaper across the face resistance-wise, although not nearly so abrasive. Definitely a different feel.

(2) the razor did not remove the lather. Instead it pulled through it and left kind of a slime trail behind. Not really a dealbreaker, but I found it annoying. Of course, this was my first time ever with a Fusion.

(3) The shave took the same amount of time. It was no faster nor slower than the DE. However, formerly I only did one pass and took longer sweeping strokes, whereas this time I really tried to emulate the action of the DE with short deliberate strokes. I am sure a quicker sloppier shave could be acheived with a cartridge and perhaps even with equivalent results.

(4) although the first pass seemed fairly effective, I did not find the second pass to result in additional beard reduction. Not sure why this is, perhaps it has to so with the inability to vary blade angle or some other inherent drawback of the system.

(5) the kicker: after rinsing and applying an aftershave, I felt around my face and although in some places the closeness was comparable, in others it was a much less close shave. Granted, I was unable to do any real touch up due to the aforementioned problem of the "slime trail" which I couldn't see through. Also, I am sure that my technique could be modified to maximize the effectiveness of the cartridge system rather than using DE techniques.

However, I feel vindicated and I am definitely happy with my DE experience. I may try once more with my old Mach 3 to see if that is better than the Fusion, but I don't think I will be going back to cartridges. I do feel I need to find a better travel system as both times I have flown since taking up DE there has been major hassle and I had to end up using something else. A good disposable may be in order (Bic sensitive?)
I've recently gone back to the Mach 3 (an M3 disposable cart on an original M3 handle) for five shaves as a small experiment to share with my friends at barbearclassico.com.

All that I can say is, +1 on all 5 points! My experience is that it is a completely usable system, but suffers the faults you listed. The shave was not much quicker and not closer. It is safer, that's a given.
One thing I found is that reduction does not work with multi-blades. I did a 3-pass shave and it was not closer than a 2-pass shave. I think it is because the blades need to "grab" something to cut, and by the third pass there was not much to hang on to :001_smile.
The worst part was the skin condition. There was no major irritation, but the skin feels less smooth and elastic. Went back to the DE yesterday, what a relief!
The real time savings with the cartridges (being a recent convert to DE, my experience is still recent) is when you also use the can-o-goo. When you use the goo, and long, sloppy strokes, you can knock out a shave in a few minutes. However, there is no enjoyment, no skill, no good scents, no time to yourself, no sense of accomplishment, etc., etc.. I feel for all the men who have not discovered the "old ways" :sad:
I do feel I need to find a better travel system as both times I have flown since taking up DE there has been major hassle and I had to end up using something else. A good disposable may be in order (Bic sensitive?)

Here's a suggestion that has worked out for many members here (myself included): try using the Personna Twin (Trac II clone) blades in a Bump Fighter handle. It's surprisingly good quality stuff at a bargain price. Both are available at most WalMarts, and a 10 pack of blades and the BF handle can be had for well under $10.00 total cost.

This setup is now my every-day shaver (waiting on DrIdiot's G II handle as we speak), and I can vouch for others' impressions that it's as close as you're going to get to a DE experience from a TSA-approved razor/blade combo. Being non-pivoting, it allows you to control the blade angle for yourself and, with only 2 blades, the "lift-and-cut" (Read: pull-and-tug) is minimized.

Check out our review section for good writeups on both the BF handle and Personna blades. The best things about this setup are that it's TSA-approved for carry-on luggage, and even if it gets lost you're not going to be crying about that mint Fatboy that cost you a bundle.
One thing I found is that reduction does not work with multi-blades. I did a 3-pass shave and it was not closer than a 2-pass shave. I think it is because the blades need to "grab" something to cut, and by the third pass there was not much to hang on to :001_smile.
The worst part was the skin condition. There was no major irritation, but the skin feels less smooth and elastic. Went back to the DE yesterday, what a relief!

that sounds like a very plausible reason for the lack of beard reduction - I hadn't thought of it.
I have found that I get a super BBS shave with my Mach 3.....better than with my DE's. ((3 passes and touch up))

The reason being that the razor head bends, so I'm able to hit the spots that the DE just can't get, and that's even with J hooking and all the other tricks.

I still shave mostly with my DE, but when I need the goods,
I go with my Mach 3.

I guess I'm lucky to, because even though my stubble is tough, I could get by with 2 cartridges in a years time, and I shave 6-7 times a week.

But, I still love my DE's......it's all about the prep, and the soap / brush!!!!
I have found that I get a super BBS shave with my Mach 3.....better than with my DE's. ((3 passes and touch up))

The reason being that the razor head bends, so I'm able to hit the spots that the DE just can't get, and that's even with J hooking and all the other tricks.

I still shave mostly with my DE, but when I need the goods,
I go with my Mach 3.

I guess I'm lucky to, because even though my stubble is tough, I could get by with 2 cartridges in a years time, and I shave 6-7 times a week.

But, I still love my DE's......it's all about the prep, and the soap / brush!!!!
3 Passes + touch up with a Mach 3.:scared::scared: You must have skin like elephant hide.:001_smile As for anything remotely resembling BBS.:001_unsur:001_unsur
I have a quick question. Is that lift and cut thing actually real? I thought it was a marketing gimmick. I really can imagine a blade pulling a hair partially out so the second blade could cut it. The amount of force require to pull it out would break the hair first. What's more, the blade that's doing the pulling would have to grab the hair and not cut it, so it would have to be quite dull, while the second one would have to be sharper to make the clean cut.

I'm actually surprised they never got nailed with false advertising on this. But I suppose when you have 2 companies sharing a monopoly they're not about to mess with one another and there would be no one else in a position to take them on.
Funny, I had the same experience with a Fusion last week. I had worked late and decided to go directly to bed rather than my usual evening shave routine. The intent was to get up early and shave then, which didn't happen.

I've had a spare Fusion cart knocking around under the sink for the past year, so I decided to go back to my old ways by shaving with the Fusion in the shower.

I had almost the identical reaction that the OP had. It did reasonably enough, but it dragged a little and I never got that crisp cutting feel that DE gives me. It missed several spots and did not leave me BBS like DE almost always does.

At the end of the workday, I could feel the stubble pretty well. That never happens with DE. I'm still smooth in the morning after shaving at night and then can barely feel stubble at the end of the workday.

That confirmed DE for me. I'll never go back.
I have found that I get a super BBS shave with my Mach 3.....better than with my DE's. ((3 passes and touch up))

The reason being that the razor head bends, so I'm able to hit the spots that the DE just can't get, and that's even with J hooking and all the other tricks.

I still shave mostly with my DE, but when I need the goods,
I go with my Mach 3.

I guess I'm lucky to, because even though my stubble is tough, I could get by with 2 cartridges in a years time, and I shave 6-7 times a week.

But, I still love my DE's......it's all about the prep, and the soap / brush!!!!


Umm...sorry, gonna call BS on this. There is NWIH that you can have both of these things happening. Either you have baby-soft hair, or are full of it on the number of cartridges.

I used a M3 for years and hated it. My beard is rather course, and the best I could do was maybe one week on a cartridge, and even that was really sucking by the end of the week. Even at the beginning of the week the crappy thing left my skin raw. DE shaving is the first time my face has ever felt really good AFTER a shave.
I used a M3 for years and hated it. My beard is rather course, and the best I could do was maybe one week on a cartridge, and even that was really sucking by the end of the week. Even at the beginning of the week the crappy thing left my skin raw. DE shaving is the first time my face has ever felt really good AFTER a shave.

Same kind of experience I had that led me to searching for a better way! :thumbup1:

Back to the topic on-hand. I frequent another forum for finding all sorts of deals and bargains and stumbled upon a promotional give away for the Schick Quattro Titanium Trimmer. I think it was back when X-Men: Wolverine was coming out. Anyways, figuring it was free I'd give it a shot in conjunction with some good prep, my badger brush, and a nice load of lather.

The first WTG pass felt like it was RIPPING every hair off. Similar to when I use, what to me is, a very dull or rough DE blade *cough*Merkur*cough*. Except of course, 4 Times that! :scared:

Consequently I found a new use for that freebie...which is also apparently a similar use to how they marketed it for women

Umm...sorry, gonna call BS on this. There is NWIH that you can have both of these things happening. Either you have baby-soft hair, or are full of it on the number of cartridges.

I used a M3 for years and hated it. My beard is rather course, and the best I could do was maybe one week on a cartridge, and even that was really sucking by the end of the week. Even at the beginning of the week the crappy thing left my skin raw. DE shaving is the first time my face has ever felt really good AFTER a shave.
Good call.:thumbup1:What a load of bollock's.
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