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Village Barber Shaving Oil

Not I. In theory, I think he's right. Oil provides proper lubrication, protection and glide of the blade..... but it's also thick and clogging. Mind you, I've never used this product.... I'm speaking in generalities. I'll stick with my creams and soaps. YMMV.

I have, used it exclusively for many many shaves and it works wonders. I was skeptical the first time around, wondering how much glide, protection, etc. but I tell you it does an amazing job, and actually lets me get a closer shave on my problem areas that I can get with most "traditional" products. An speaking in regards to the thickness of the oil, I have tried many where that is the case, not so with Village Barber, it's light and doesn't cause clogging problems at all.

I bought some from WCS and tried it this morning.

Pros:As smooth a shave as I've ever had. Wonderful fragrance. Quick and easy prep for second pass, just wet your face again.

Cons:The oil is all over your hands and now its all over your razor making it kinda slippery to hold. I'll probably have to wash my hands before I grab the razor next time. It's also hard to tell where you've shaved. You can't just look at where there's still lather; you need a plan.

Overall:7 out of a possible 10.

I would quibble with this a bit. As far as shaves go, I get a 10 out of 10 every time I use the oil. It does get on ones hands, but so does a pre-shave oil, and so can lather, bringing the same slippy effect. just pat your hands on a towel and you're good to go.

I bought some from WCS and tried it this morning.

Pros:As smooth a shave as I've ever had. Wonderful fragrance. Quick and easy prep for second pass, just wet your face again.

Cons:The oil is all over your hands and now its all over your razor making it kinda slippery to hold. I'll probably have to wash my hands before I grab the razor next time. It's also hard to tell where you've shaved. You can't just look at where there's still lather; you need a plan.

Overall:7 out of a possible 10.


Like many, i was sceptical at fist, and I do love my brush and lather... HOWEVER, this stuff really is quite remarkable. Very close shave, no residue and to be honest, the most protection I've ever had from an oil, soap or cream. I've made 'mistakes' with my razor once or twice that with cream or soap I'm sure would have drawn blood, but with Village Barber, not so much as a nick.
This is not a pre shave oil, so if you're put off by a Truefitt & Hill experience, don't be.

Deserves far more attention, and I'm sure it will come as more try these products. And i haven't even mentioned the post shave balm...
I bought some from WCS and tried it this morning.

Pros:As smooth a shave as I've ever had. Wonderful fragrance. Quick and easy prep for second pass, just wet your face again.

Cons:The oil is all over your hands and now its all over your razor making it kinda slippery to hold. I'll probably have to wash my hands before I grab the razor next time. It's also hard to tell where you've shaved. You can't just look at where there's still lather; you need a plan.

Overall:7 out of a possible 10.


Can't say I've had oil all over my razor to be honest, and yes seeing as you apply it with your hands... Try washing your hands in the warm water you've just run, that's what I do. Plan wise, I run my finger over an area, stubble = shave.
Not sarcastic, just genuine advice.
I started DE shaving in January this year. I had used Truefitt and Hill before and also Trumpers Cremes. I have also used Taylors of Bond St sensitive creme. This oil is by far the best product I have used. It took me a couple of months to my technique right, but I now get BBS and no irritation 9 times out of ten. I just can't get close on the chin straps and neck yet with other cremes. With this you apply it once and then as long as you keep your face wet, you don't need to reapply it. So far half a bottle is all I have used shaving almost every day for 5 months.

Easy to keep your razor clean - no soap scum, just rinse the residue oFf your blade. Cleaning is a doodle and no scummy sink. It smells nice, but doesn't linger.

All you people who complain about it making your hands oily are making mountains out of molehills. It isn't that oily and you simply rub your hands on your towel. Job done. I am so impressed with this product it is fantastic and would recommend it unequivocally.
I have to agree with the statement above.
This product is absolutely the shizz !
I have very iritable neck skin and every different shaving discipline I've tried
in the past has bothered my neck. Some more than others, except this oil.. !
I can shave SO comfortably now and when I'm done, my skin is golden.
I can echo the positive comments above. I've been using Iain's products for a couple of years now. I use it under lather when using my straights and on it's own with my DE.

Fantastic glide and the AS balm is top notch too.
Two practical questions:
-Anyone used this with an ikon slant?
-Does it perform just as well with aggressive razors?

Two theoretical questions:
-How does the beard get hydrated/do you use water before?
-If this works, why wouldn't, say, pure avocado and almond oil work?
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It's not an iKon but I use a Merkur 37C with great results.

Any carrier oil (almond, olive, grapeseed, castor etc) will work just fine. I make mine from grapeseed oil mixed with a bit of eucalyptus essential oil. If you check the ingredients most of the shave oils use one or more carrier oil then add various essentials.
277 is spot on. I made my own home brew from a combination of recipes found here on B&B
and it works every bit as good as Village Barber does (maybe even better....).

Yes, oil-only works amazing with aggresive razors, I prefer it actually. My favorite combo is;
oil and my R41 with whatever blade I feel like that day. Takes my beard right to the wood with
one pass and touch-ups and 98%+ irritation free.

You MUST use water BEFORE appling the oil.
Wet your face a few times after the shower and keep it wet while you are putting the rest of
your kit together. Then, massage 5-7 drops of oil into your face/neck for half a minute or so then,
Go to town ! Its that easy. Rinse the razor often while shaving.
If any areas seem to feel a bit sticky or not as slick as you'd like them, wet your fingers and give
that portion of your skin a quick water-rub. Back in business.
Does anybody who has used both have a comparison to Shave Secret? I tried that a few times but can't remember how I felt about it, other than that I don't enjoy rubbing my hands on my rough, hard, wiry stubble to apply it.
277 is spot on. I made my own home brew from a combination of recipes found here on B&B
and it works every bit as good as Village Barber does (maybe even better....).

Yes, oil-only works amazing with aggresive razors, I prefer it actually. My favorite combo is;
oil and my R41 with whatever blade I feel like that day. Takes my beard right to the wood with
one pass and touch-ups and 98%+ irritation free.

You MUST use water BEFORE appling the oil.
Wet your face a few times after the shower and keep it wet while you are putting the rest of
your kit together. Then, massage 5-7 drops of oil into your face/neck for half a minute or so then,
Go to town ! Its that easy. Rinse the razor often while shaving.
If any areas seem to feel a bit sticky or not as slick as you'd like them, wet your fingers and give
that portion of your skin a quick water-rub. Back in business.

How is this different than using preshave oil?
I recently received a trial pack of the village barber shaving oil and shave balm included with an order from safetyrazors.co.uk (no affiliation etc)

Used it today and had an enjoyable close and irritation free shave. The only negatives for me are the lack of a visual guide (no big deal its just that i am used to removing the white from the pink!) and the fragrance which i find quite herbal and although i don't find it unpleasant it does not hold any appeal for me.

Followed the shave with a liberal amount of the shave balm which was quickly absorbed and left my face feeling moisturized but slightly greasy. The fragrance is similar to the shave oil and will probably not be replacing my bluebeards revenge balm any time soon.

All in all it works well and i can definitely see myself trying more shave oils as i think they would be ideal for travel use.
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