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Video Game on the Bay Going For 800k and Rising

Stadium Events Nes game

I don't think I can post a link to a live auction (I have no idea whether that only applies to razors or not).
Looks like that game has a history of high auction prices, though none come close to that ridiculous amount.
Hmm, there was another sealed version of this game on ebay that only sold for $41,300. I find it hard to believe the bids are real for this one going for $800,000.

I'm pretty sure I owned this game back in the day and it was godawful. Sold it to Funcoland (Bought out by EBGAMES) like a week after I bought it from them.

Why is it so valuable? They only made a few because it was so bad or something?

Edit: THATS right. I bought the game used and couldnt find the damn pad anywhere so I sold it back.

Haha, collectors will say anything. 100 copies made... suuuuuuure.
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Apparently the deal is that Nintendo bought them out and replaced it with the Power Pad shortly after a very limited release...
Still, that's nuts.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Only $12,041.72 in ebay fees and another $15,204.01 in paypal fees.

If an organization puts you in touch with someone willing to fork over 800 large for a stupid little video game, are you suggesting that they aren't entitled to their rather paltry share?

I take it you haven't sold anything through Sotheby's.:001_tt1:
Damn, I really should dig out my stash of old NES/SNES games and list them on eBay.

Why do listing items on eBay have to be such a tedious task....
Not suggesting that at all, just making an observation. And is a drop in the bucket compared the what the IRS will take. :w00t:

This auction seems so fishy, how would the buyer ever know what is actually in the box without destroying the value. I know opening it is not the point but imagine what could be done for that much money.

If an organization puts you in touch with someone willing to fork over 800 large for a stupid little video game, are you suggesting that they aren't entitled to their rather paltry share?

I take it you haven't sold anything through Sotheby's.:001_tt1:
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