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Vendor prices

I was browsing over some of the more common vendors today and noticed their prices for Merkur DE's have gone up quite a bit in the last couple of weeks.

For example,

I bought my Gold slant bar for 42.50 on Oct 13, and today its priced for 54.99.

Even the standard 34C had gone up over 10 bucks. i'm sure it was about 32 or so about a month or so ago.

quite a price jump in about 2 weeks, wonder what the reason is? value of the dollar? higher prices at Merkur?

This trend continues, I can see my AD's cooling off quite a bit.
Razors from overseas fluctuate depending on the value of the dollar. The dollar goes down and the prices to bring goods into the U.S. goes up.
Go vintage.

+1 with you there as well, but when eBay fever sets the prices, quite often I see things going in far excess of what they should.

Thats why I was happy when I found out my dad had a Slim that he bought new in the 60's.
I didn't have to compete to get a vintage.

2 or 3 dollar price fluctuations are normal but a 10-15 dollar price hike in 2 weeks is surprising and might be a little off putting to new guys getting into this hobby.
I think the prices at Merkur went up. Bullgoose said in his thread in the Vendor Corner that he, and quoting him, "was recently strongly urged to increase the list price for all Merkur razors".

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My elbows leak
Staff member
Use this as an excuse to SWMBO for your next purchase..

"See dear, prices went up x dollars in just 2 weeks, now you can see how much I saved by getting it now instead of next year."
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