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Variant red tips? Fake?

Check out these 2 red tips. The grip looks different on each and I swear they weight differently. One is Dated C1 other is C3.





I don't think one or the other is "fake", but I can see a slightly different width to the individual "knurls". The rectangles look a little wider on one than the other. Maybe that accounts for the weight difference?
I think the knurling on both of these is slightly different from mine. I could swear mine has a checkerboard look to it.:confused1 Now you've got me wondering. Gonna have to check it out when I get home today.:001_smile
Just went and looked at mine, and it appears to have the narrower knurling. By chance, is one of yours marked with a "+" sign on the bottom?
Red Tip variations have been discussed here before, though I can't remember if they addressed the differences shown in your two razors.
Knurling is a pressure imbossing process,would have no effect on wgt.

I think the point was, that if the knurled sections were wider, they would have cut out less metal between the knurled sections making it lighter. That's how I read it anyway. In either case, I don't think what I described would have an appreciable affect on the weight.
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