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Valet Auto Strop - Now What?

Mentioned to a customer at work that I was interested in razors. He said he had picked some up at auctions while shopping for firearms. Told him I was interested in gold ones (think Aristocrat). He came in the other day and gave me a Valet Auto Strop Prosperity Special (gold)! The package contains the razor, a leather-like strap rolled up, and several SE blades with perforations spelling out Valet. No instructions or illustrations. What does one do with it?!
Mentioned to a customer at work that I was interested in razors. He said he had picked some up at auctions while shopping for firearms. Told him I was interested in gold ones (think Aristocrat). He came in the other day and gave me a Valet Auto Strop Prosperity Special (gold)! The package contains the razor, a leather-like strap rolled up, and several SE blades with perforations spelling out Valet. No instructions or illustrations. What does one do with it?!

SELL IT!! no just kidding.

You can try shaving with it. But the blades, even nos will need a lot of work to get them shave worthy. Look at Dave's videos on the valet and blade preparation posted above.

Also take a look at this thread.


Thanks for the link; most interesting! I watched!! I am NOT going to do that!! Super Iridiums are much easier!!! And, anyway, the strop I have feels like it would break into pieces if I tried to unroll it!


Hi. Just received my Valet Auto Strop Yesterday. It is silver colored with a patent date of 1912. Currently available Stanley single edge blades available at Walmart can be easily modified to work perfectly in the Valet. No stropping necessary. Blades are so cheap just throw away. Mine shaves like a slim adjustable on 2 or 3. Yery nice. Great website. Roger
Mentioned to a customer at work that I was interested in razors. He said he had picked some up at auctions while shopping for firearms. Told him I was interested in gold ones (think Aristocrat). He came in the other day and gave me a Valet Auto Strop Prosperity Special (gold)! The package contains the razor, a leather-like strap rolled up, and several SE blades with perforations spelling out Valet. No instructions or illustrations. What does one do with it?!

Here is the instruction:


I need a flea bath
Thanks for the link; most interesting! I watched!! I am NOT going to do that!! Super Iridiums are much easier!!! And, anyway, the strop I have feels like it would break into pieces if I tried to unroll it!

Mine is in pretty nice shape. I do not intend to even try to use it,:w00t: but it does look nice with the collection I am starting to build.

Valet Auto Strops and Auto Strops can be excellent shaving razors. Some (early models)easily take an SE blade with the spine removed and provide an excellent shave. A model C will comfortably accept a regular old Ted Pella with the spine off and provide a wonderful shave.

These modern blades however are coated and will damage your strops - they are quite hard on the leather surface and do not really sharpen as much as dull.

Try using one and you will find it rather enjoyable.
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