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[URGENT] How do I get rid of this horrible shaving rash Ive had for 2 months?

Hi guys,

How do I get rid of this horrible shaving rash I have?

I only shave twice per week otherwise it makes the rash un bearable. I use King Of Shaves Men's Sensitive Skin Face Balm 3 times a day on my face to try and get rid of the rash but it just wont go!

Has anyone get any tips of advice on how to get rid of a shaving rash?

Many Thanks.
Do you always use the same soap/cream and ASB? You might have an allergy issue. A bit more info about your prep/tools would be helpful.
Joining this this forum is the first step!
BTW WELCOME to B&B! (The best group of people I've yet to meet (on-line that is))
I feel your pain brotha!
As a newbie the best place to start is to go through some of the Stickies.
Well, if it's just irritation, then I'd guess it's an alergic reaction to something you're shaving with. Could be brush, soap, AS... if it's something you've always endured, it could be something more basic like your water, or a combo of any of these items.

Another possibility, and perhaps not all that unlikely depending on how long you've had it, is it's an infection of some kind. Might be worth a trip to the doctor.
Ok guys heres my shaving routine

Shower to get face prepared
Kings of Shaves Face Scrub Rinse with warm water
King of Shaves Alpha Oil Then Apply My King of Shaves Aplha Gel on top
Shave with the grain of my beard using no pressure using my gillete mache 3 razor. Blade Change after every other shave.
Finsih by submerging my head under cold water for around 30 secons Then applying King Of Shaves Men's Sensitive Skin Face Balm after the shave and 3 times per day until my next shave in 3 days time.

I seem to be doing everything right but still get these red spots on my jaw line? They just fill with white puss and appear in clusters. I have 4 cluster at the moment,

Two sets at either side of my chin on the jaw line then 2 sets at the top near my ears on my jaw line.

I dont think its my shaving products because i have tried others and still get the same affect, Ive also tried different shavers?

I think Im just going to have to go to the docotors to get this sorted out?
Are you prone to acne? I've had my acne show up in clusters like that before. Not really sure why.

My other guess is they are just ingrown hairs. The jaw line can be a bit tricky and you are describing the "corners" of the jaw lines at the chin and it sounds like where the jaw ends below the ear.

If you have tried different razors and different products but consistently get this issue, I would head to the dermatologist. According to my dermatologist, I get acne because I somehow get bacteria in my pores. I always washed my face, applied acne cream, etc. It didn't stop that bacteria. He actually put me on an a low dose antibiotic, which I am not crazy about, but is supposed to work from the inside out.
To quote from a Steve Martin Movie:
"See a doctor and get rid of it."
Seriously, if you've had a rash for two months you need medical attention.
I would make sure that you are indeed shaving with the grain below your jawline. I have hair that grows in all different directions on my neck. The best way to feel the direction your beard grows in is to skip a day of shaving and give your stubble a rub. You should be able to feel the differences in beard growth direction.

If you are shaving against the grain without knowing, you may be getting some severe ingrown hairs.
Yikes! I would change the routine and use something besides the King of Shave stuff for a bit to rule out the allergic possibility. Then I would try to find a "Bump Fighter" razor or 2 blade Sensor to see if that helps. Also try using some witch hazel daily and after shaves.
The pustules are probably due to either an outbreak of acne or a skin infection. It sounds severe enough that you should go to your primary care doc to get it checked out.
Maybe I'm out of line here, but that's an awful lot of shaving products that you're putting on your face ... this from a guy that just uses shaving soap. Can you just not shave for a couple of weeks to see if it clears up?
Yeah guys, I think your right.

It might even be acne I just put it down to a shaving rash!!!!!!!!!

Will book a doctors apointment on Monday.

Thanks for the help!
Welcome to B&B.

Ditch the goo.

Ditch the cartridge razor.

A lot of guys show up here with ingrowns and skin problems, and after switching to a brush, soap, and single blade (DE or SE or Straight) their problems cleared up.

At the top of the 'Shave Clinic/Newbie' forum there is a stickied thread that has links to a number of instructional postings and tutorials and you should read through them.

Also, make sure that you view Mantic's shaving videos that he has posted on the net at YouTube.

Goo is not the answer. Goo is never the answer. . .

-- John Gehman
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I would also suggest cutting out the cold water rinse. Even with a DE I get red bumps all over my face if I do a cold rinse.
Is your razor being properly dried out after each use? Could be some type of bacteria residing on the razor due to being kept in a dark damp area perhaps? The sure bet would be to eliminate one variable at a time to determine the cause if it is something you are using. Definitely let us know what the doc says. Take care.
+1 on going to the doctor.

One other question, did this problem start around the time you started using all the King of Shaves stuff? There may be something in some or all of their products that your skin does not like. If they are all the same fragrance, it could even be what they are using for fragrance.

Good luck with the doctor, and I hope it is not a skin infection.
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