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Urban Legends in shaving.

Max D. posted something curious that got me to thinking along the lines of this topic. Let's have some fun and try to source "facts" in your knowledge. I understand that the very definition of urban legends would preclude "hard" facts. But what are some that you know of that are uber rare known to have been produced yet never seen. This includes razors, brushes, soap anything shave related. So Max stated an American Rocket? Hmmm. Sounds plausible. :thumbup1:
The tan tin super speed is a classic. Blue tips came in a blue case, red tips in a red case. Those tan cases must have been for tan tip, right?

The 1903 double ring is a peeve of mine. Nickerson wrote that to his knowledge, the first shipments went out in January 1904 - and very few of those. Understandably, though, folks like to think that their pre-patent unnumbered double ring might just be an ultra-rare 1903 example. This is a harmless bit of wishful thinking, but the odds are heavily against it.

The G-inside-D "repair mark". This exists, but we are fairly sure now that it was a hallmark of sorts, not a repair mark.
EVERY estate sale will ALWAYS have at least one, mint, cased, Gillette Toggle for pennies on the dollar.

Aftershave is ONLY meant to be used after you've shaved.

Hai Karate attracted women.
I'm not sure if this is sarcasm or what...but YES, it DOES save you money. It has a higher initial investment, but TCO is a hell of alot less.

Come back to me after you've bought :-

Not less than 5 razors

2 Brushes (2 band and silvertip - came for the scritch but stayed for the fluffy)

A straight

A strop

A hone or two (wasn't shave ready)

12 tubs of cream

2 or 3 pucks of soap - such good value compared to cream and much better shave.

15 more pucks of soap.

a boar brush - such good value compared to badger and much better on the soap

9 more boar brushes

15 pucks of the soap you liked the best (although you only tried them all once)

15 ditto of the cream

15 each of the soap and cream you liked second best

400 of your favourite DE blades

400 more (in case of shavepocalypse)

400 of another type you realised you never used with the right razor until now

400 ditto

A bottle of Pinaud

12 bottles of Pinaud

A 1912

800 SE Gems.

And one alum block.

Now THAT's 'traditional wet shaving'.

So tell me again about the money you shaved.

(*hint yes Mike was joking but only a wee bit. As much as I can tell. Maybe he'll come back and let us in on it)
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I'm not sure if this is sarcasm or what...but YES, it DOES save you money. It has a higher initial investment, but TCO is a hell of alot less.

Anyone who can wet shave and avoid the ADs is a hero to me. Unfortunately for me, I am a lesser man in that respect.
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Mike H

Instagram Famous
Yes, I was jesting a bit. Theoretically, wet shaving will save you money; in the same way, theoretically, you can eat just one Lays potato chip.

I am sure if I just keep one straight, one stone, and one brush, I really would save money. :blush:
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OC = aggressive

Aggressive = closer shave

The concept of "true" scents

The MdC loading urban legends

Whiskers so tough razor blades don't cut them
This one time a newbie put a Feather blade in his razor and cut his whole head clean off!

I heard if you whisper 'alumblockouch' three times in the mirror when you shave he appears behind you and...wait...what's that....did you hear something...IT'S HIIIIIIIIIMAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGHlemmegolemmegolemmegoNONONONONONONONOOOOOOOOOOO*thunk*
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