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Upcoming Movie: The Hurt Locker

Just saw a commercial for this recently during late-night programming, looks pretty intense. Without starting a political or military discussion, has anyone seen this trailer, yet? Looks like something I'd enjoy. Both posters below are pretty cool, I prefer the first one. Including all links below for maximum saturation... even Bing.com in case Google makes you zonk-out and ramble like those people in the commercials :wink::biggrin:



Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvjgcaaVf9Q&feature=related
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0887912/
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hurt_Locker
Google: http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en-us&q=the+hurt+locker&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
Bing: http://www.bing.com/search?q=the+hurt+locker&go=&form=QBLH&qs=n
Just watched two different trailers on youtube. Before your post I had not heard of the movie. Intense...I can't think of a more powerful description right now myself. I wonder just how hard it will be to watch.
I've heard this movie talked about on the radio. It's supposed to be the real no sh!+. Very pro-military, painting our boys in the light they deserve. Nice to see a movie that paints these young folks as the heroes they are as opposed to the standard fare of baby rapers and sociopaths. Most of the drivel coming out of Hollywood of late isn't very flattering to the real heroes of our time. It's good to see someone make a movie where agenda doesn't trump truth. Just the way I see it, not meant to be inflammatory or political. You can bet I'll go see this flick as soon as I can.
I've heard this movie talked about on the radio. It's supposed to be the real no sh!+. Very pro-military, painting our boys in the light they deserve. Nice to see a movie that paints these young folks as the heroes they are as opposed to the standard fare of baby rapers and sociopaths. Most of the drivel coming out of Hollywood of late isn't very flattering to the real heroes of our time. It's good to see someone make a movie where agenda doesn't trump truth. Just the way I see it, not meant to be inflammatory or political. You can bet I'll go see this flick as soon as I can.

Its good to see anything in the media where truth trumps agenda.
I'm definitely watching this. Saw the trailer at, uh, what did we watch...the Hangover, that was it. I agree with 1OldGI. Getting tired of some of the spin-swill that's been going out lately.
I guess I miss all the movies that you guys mention. Black Hawk Down, always comes to my mind. One of my favorite movies and supposedly based pretty closely on actual events. When I think of the word hero, those two fine Rangers always comes to my mind and I don't mind saying that my eyes well up everytime I watch it. I don't think they over glorified their actions. They were just men who chose to place themselves in certain danger above and beyond.

What are some examples of the movies that ya'll reference?
It's pretty hard to discuss the movie without mentioning politics or at least military agenda. (Note that I'm not the first to say the p-word).

That's why I just want to tell it by a German proverb: Wer die Gefahr sucht, kommt in ihr um.
Very cool, since I did this job back when the earth was cooling. I never saw anything like the movie poster photos, of course. :biggrin:

I don't watch military movies, so I will look for a review here :biggrin:

- John
It's pretty hard to discuss the movie without mentioning politics or at least military agenda. (Note that I'm not the first to say the p-word).

Actually, it would be pretty easy to discuss this film without mention of either topic. Whether it will or not is subject to the individual willpower of each B&B member that chooses to post in this thread.
i´ve been looking forward to this, it does seem good, and having lived in israel, i do feel some admiration towards bomb disposal squads, need balls of brass for this job,


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Just came back from the movie. Its a pretty good movie and I really recommend it...
Just got back from seeing it.

As you know I have not been positive on the last few movies I saw.

Well I'm happy to say the "Hurt Locker" was great.

Since it was an independent film it wasn't your typical formula star vehicle movie that comes out of Hollywood.

I highly recommend this movie.
I watched it a long time ago, but I didn't post about it. I liked it. Main character was a bit of a jackass, but he knew his business.
Saw it. I'll start with the short:

It was good. Okay, really. But worth checking out. Kinda halfway between story driven and character driven.

Slightly longer:

I can see how it's polarizing. You really don't identify with the main character, an average person wouldn't. It's not fully character driven the way that "There Will Be Blood" was, but it also didn't have an engrossing plot the way you might like a story driven movie to be. It's an interesting glimpse into a specific place in the world in a very scary time, but I personally developed neither affection for the people or the tale.

Personally I tend to enjoy checking out anything that is polarizing. See... to my mind, anything that everyone likes is rarely outstanding. It's a tribute to human diversity that in order to produce something everyone likes, it has to be averaged out. To appeal to everyone decreases the chances it'd be loved by anyone (love is the inverse corollation to hate).

I'd rather take the shot I'd find something I'd love then the sure shot it'd be something I like.

That said, this movie is polarizing but not really to extremes. It's like some people liked it a lot or liked it a little.

I'm kind of in the little area. Which to my theory, I should be happy since with total polarization, I would have hated it.

Conclusion is it's an average movie that you have a chance of really digging. Happy I saw it, good movie, would recommend it but I'm not going to champion it the way I might with other movies.

Should have just stuck with the short review, huh?
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