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Unused vintage unused Rex light blue

Found this today and couldn't pass it up, the knot is fairly dense and it has nice backbone. I assume it's boar, but it doesn't say.

It reads "Rex Pure Bristles Vulcanized Made in Western Germany"

I don't know it I should use it or if I should keep it as is for display or trade.

I picked up a shaving mug that says "Dad" that matches it.

Yes that's boar.

I had a rex as one of my first brushes. It was wood and fell apart after awhile (not a knot issue, a cheap wood that wasn't properly sealed rotting issue).

They aren't high end brushes, nor are they particularly collectable. I think Rex was mainly a paintbrush company that made shaving brushes just because they could.

That said, that's a very nice looking rex, and since it's not wood should serve you well for a good long time. I say use it.
It was just OK. But then it is new. It mixes up a great lather, but it doesn't lay it on like I would like. I may still be dialing in the lather though and it may just be that it's new. I like the looks of it though so I will use it for awhile and try other creams and soaps.
Boar brushes generally have a longer break-in period than badgers, I helped mine along a bit by using it to make trial lather on the days when I wasn't using it for shaving.

Remember to let the bristles dry fully before making lather again... I think the process of the hairs drying out that splits tips and these split tips are what deliver the softness when broken in (maybe someone will confirm this?).
Looks EXACTLY like my vintage brush from my dad, persumably purchased 40 years ago, last use >20 years ago. Only differences: Handle style and Label "FIX" instead of "REX", maybe this is the brand for german market. Actually I used it the very first time today and found it (in comparison to the modern brushes I use) rather harsh and it lost a lot of hair, but it produced lot of great foam.
I have another vintage Boar that was very used and I love it because it does lay down the lather. It doesn't look as nice though, lol.
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