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unconventional tea brewing method


Needs milk and a bidet!
While I was at teavana a few weeks back I bought these

They had blended them for an iced tea that tasted fantastic. So I tried to replicate it yesterday with a cold brew method. No success. It tasted more like a crystal light water drink than anything, also very light in color.

Well I'm a bit bored today so I thought I would try again but this time with a hot brew method.

I brought the water to almost a boil, turned off the flame and dumped in the tea. I had roughly 4 teaspoons of each left so I figured what they heck!....just dump them in the pot and let them brew.

I let the tea brew for 4-6 minutes, giving it a stir every now and then. I added teavan's german rock sugar to the hot water at this point as well. I didn't measure, just dumped some in as well. maybe a tablespoon full or two.

I'm drinking this right now and it is as close to their sample that I could get. Delicious! It has a wonderful fruity scent, and a slightly tangy taste. Pat myself on the back for this one!

so like malsala chai but without the milk. except this technically cant be called tea. tisane yes, tea has to have some Camilla sinensis leaf in the mix to be able to be called tea.
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