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Ultimate SE shave?

Alright- the title may be a little misleading. I do not think I received the best shave of my life- but it was the most interesting. Immediately after looking at a L essor that arrived in the mail (French SE) I unpackaged a 99 cent Stanley scraper to scrape silicone. Naturally, I began wondering if it could be used as a shaving razor. I attempted it and discovered that it was a little bulky and poorly designed for shaving (who would have thought?)

Half way through the first pass I took the blade out and briefly considered which SE to place the blade in or if I should just finish up with a straight. Then I decided to skip the razor and just hold the blade in my fingers (really, this may have been the ADD or insomnia making decisions at this point.) I finished the first pass and went for a second (no ATG this time.) I can say that there was a small amount of blood (nothing that WH and cold water could not take care of.)

I can tell you that it was interesting, provided a shave equivalent of what I recall electric leaving (I never got very close with those) but it was stimulating and interesting. It was probably the most excitement and challenge that I have faced shaving since the first shave with a straight blade. I do not know if I would recommend it as a shaving method. Having said that- it was VERY interesting to figure out angles, ways to hold the blade and to discover what the handle really does for us in terms of ease, control and improving the sight line to the blade. I would chalk it up to a learning experience. Overall, it was worthwhile to learn a little more about what makes for a good shave.
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