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Tweezerman on clearance for $8.99

Even with free shipping and buy one get 5 for free it would be still be overpriced. You would have to try - hard - to get anything worse than a tweezerman, unless a scrubby, smelly brush that sheds all over the place is what you are after, because then it would be a winner!
Even with free shipping and buy one get 5 for free it would be still be overpriced. You would have to try - hard - to get anything worse than a tweezerman, unless a scrubby, smelly brush that sheds all over the place is what you are after, because then it would be a winner!

My first brush was a Tweezerman and I didn't have any of those problems, but clearly you did.

Probably the least expensive way to get a top notch brush would be to see if there is one on sale in the Hobbyist/Vendor Classifieds. Anything under $60 is a great deal.

I never had an issue out of my tweezerman.

No problems with my Tweezerman either. I like it better than my nearly identical Escali as it seems to have more backbone. It's certainly not the top of the line, but for the price, I think it's a decent brush.
Its an online only special. I've never seen a Tweezerman brush for sale in a CVS retail store.

For the same money, you can get a VdH Deluxe brush with the white handle. That one is a real winner, much better than the VdH Natural with the green handle. And I've only seen the Deluxe brush for sale at CVS retail stores, never anywhere else online or offline.
This is my last post on this thread. Having tried both omega and twz brushes, I can assure you all, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the Omega's boar brushes are of very high quality and are a joy to use and are by leaps and bounds far, FAR superior to that product that carries the twz brand name.

That one is $9.31 shipped to your doorstep.
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