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TV Series

With a bike trainer on the way, I expect to spend many, many, many, many hours this winter staring at the wall. Well, that's a little boring, even for me, so I need to find as many good TV series as I can through Netflix to help pass the time.

What shows should I be watching? I'm open to any series, both new and old.
In my opinion, "Weeds" keeps getting better. It's still funny and the drama is still intense. You could probably get the first two seasons on DVD for $25.
I can assume that you have been down the 24/prison break/lost route? How about peep show from the UK? I like it but it's not for everyone?
Trailer Park Boys, funniest 7 seasons of any show in my opinion. Im a bit ashamed to say it but the x files is my all time favorite. Have watched all episodes 3 times! Many many hours lost.
lost, fringe, house, big bang theory, simpsons, southpark, family guy, american dad, the mentalist, lie to me, westwing, boston legal.

They are the ones I watch :D

The picks though are lost, west wing, house, the mentalist and fringe.
Some good suggestions here. I'll also add The Office and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It's Always Sunny isn't for everyone, but if it is for you, you won't just like it, you'll love it.
I gotta give a :thumbup: to Burn Notice.

One of the most enjoyable shows on TV. Above and beyond all the other things it has going for it, Bruce Campbell has a prominent role!

Somehow even Sharon Gless (whom I never really appreciated) is great!
I'd recommend some series from The Discovery Channel, like MythBusters or Dirty Jobs. I never get tired of watching them, although some episodes are better than others.

Any of the Ken Burns' series from PBS will provide hours and hours of good watching, although it may be expensive to collect them all. Maybe you can rent them from NetFlix or the library.

If you're of that generation, a collection like "The Best of the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson" would provide plenty of entertainment.

Finally, why not put that time to productive use and get something educational? While you're building up your body, you can strengthen your mind by learning to speak a foreign language, listen to motivational speakers, or take in some courses that will further your career.
I'd look into old tv shows that you know you like but never saw a whole bunch of episodes

My favorites:

All in the Family
Leave it to Beaver
etc etc etc

this way you know you at least like the show
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