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Turkish Shave!!

Have any of you ever had a "Turkish Shave"? I just watched a video on a man getting one and this looked very cool !! And I wonder what something like that may cost ? I never had any shave for me. Maude one day there will be a barber around here that I'll be able to get a professional shave. I would love to gave one if these Turkish Shaves. And I would like to know some of you guys thoughts on this. And do you rather a regular barber shave or a Turkish shave ?? Thanks for your time
Marcus L.
I'd like to try it just to see if the unusual methods actually work or if they are just some marketing scheme. :p

A bit off-topic, your post is difficult to read for me, but I'm slightly colorblind. :p
I'm also wondering what is that string or something, I saw rubbing on the face as if shaving with a wire. Man I bet the flaming they do at the end works nice on getting that lite hair you cant really have on the ears. But I bet you need some after shave after that. Could u imagine smelling the burnt hair all day. Lol. Shoot I would love to just even have a good barber shave. I'm even considering getting a lather king, hot lather machine I just love going get a hair cut and my barber putting that hot lather on me and shave my neck with a straight razor. He just don't do the whole face.
My barber is Turkish. He does the threading to pick off stray hairs. It hurts quite a bit, too. But he doesn't set fire to anything.
Found a video of it. I would love to get one of these, it looks really neat.:001_cool:

When I was a kid (in southern West Virginia, U.S.) I can remember my barber using what looked like a flaming Q-tip, Dad said it removed stray hairs and split ends. I had little idea what that meant at the time, but noticed that he used it mostly on older guys who also got a shave & shampoo.

I could probably get everything but the arm pull, wire/string treatment and back massage from my barber, but he stays so busy that I'd hate to monopolize his time for such a thing. Looks like it would really be both refreshing and relaxing. I'd probably have a strong urge to take a nap afterward. :lol:
It makes since the flaming q-tip. I might try it but wonder if they use witch hazel as the fuel on Qtip. Lol. But is it a certain type of string used to catch an pull out stray stubble because I can't see a dragging a regular string on my face an it pull out little hairs. This Turkish method of shaving has me very curious and interested. I wish we had one around here shoot or just a plain barber that would face my face :lol:
That touch up they do with the flaming thing at the end is crazy! I'd love to check that out.

Someone who had a Turkish shave told me that they use a flame to get ear and nose hairs but he said that afterwards, they grew back much thicker than before.
I had a Turkish shave a year ago in Marmaris, quite an experience and not really what I expected. For instance it was a cold shave with shavette and it did involve the scary lighted taper thingy around the ears. Generally it is a day to day experience for lots of turks so it cannot be compared to the pampering you would get at Trumpers. The shave was Okay though.
Straight razors are a bit of a hygenic fear for many people when used outside the house. That is why many have started using shavettes. I remember a barber in Rome that used UV lighting to dissinfect his straight.

Here a discussion thread[1] explaining why straight razors are not used in italian barbers. The discussion is in italian, try to use google translation tools to translate it but, in short, there are risks of infections and in the 80's the HIV virus diffusion forced the laws to take care of it.

[1] http://www.ilrasoio.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=8
What is shavettes ? I never herd of this. Is it a razor. Or that plastic razor some people if color use with the cream. Then you take the plastic straight raZor to take off the cream and hair. I think that stuff is kind of like Nair hair removal. But just curious what is Shavettes????
What is shavettes ?

It is a kind of razor similar to a straight razor but without a blade, instead you can load a double edge blade (perhaps a single blade too). As I said barbers they should use a sterilized blade for each client, shavette is a convenient throwaway alternative.
To be honest the health risks are the ones that have kept me from experiencing a traditional shave in Turkey and some other Arab countries I have visited. Unfortunately I have yet to stumble upon a barber that uses a shavette.
In Rome (near the Spanish Steps) my cousin I was traveling with got a haircut and I was thinking about getting a shave, but in the end decided not to. I remember the UV box that he put the razor in after shaving another client. I think it was a straight razor, but maybe it was a shavette in the end. I do not know though what the point of putting a shavette in a UV chamber is. Anyhow I do believe that there are some risks involved.
Well to comment on the last post. I would think they put the razors in the UV box to disinfect it. At least that's my take, but as of cleanness I know when I was in Germany if I would if found a barber that shaved. I sure would had it. Let's be honest just because this is America, we are fir from the cleanest people. I been I'm places in America that I wouldn't let them touch mr with a comb must less a razor. Some of these foreign country has better health concerns then here. I guess what I'm getting at is when I inquired about turshish shaves. I it didn't matter where you got. Not meaning you had to get it in Turkey. I thought I was more the method they used.
Does any know what kind of string is used in the Turkish method to remove the small stubble. Left behid. I'm really curious about this. It must
Be a bit painful to have done ??
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