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Turkey tips?

I Turkish friend of mne is returning home for a short holiday to visit his parents, he already brought me Arko, is there any other product I should ask him to bring back?
I was thinking at least a Palmolive Cream or stick i have hear you guys chat about...
Any blades worth getting? any thing else you know of that will be easy to find?
Any non-shaving turkish items, i am embarrassed to say I know not much of turkish goods other than "delight", coffe, cigs, and hookah tobacco!
As I research "Turkish shaving products" I see there's way more than I'd ever heard of before.

I've got a few Turkish soaps (Fume, Arko) I bought from Shaveabuck primarily because they're inexpensive, floral scented, or universally known. In general, the stuff I've got, I'd say: wow, the quality is quite good, things smell great -- good, natural scents -- and MAN, you can't beat the prices! The ones I've tried thus far may not be the most exquisite, but are quite good, get generally high reviews and cost pennies: HIGH VALUE.

http://shop.bestshave.net/ Check out the highly rated, buzzed about, super inexpensive shave brushes and mug.

And, it looks as if the B&B Turkish Shaving Cream Compendium needs updating to the Turkish Shaving Products compendium, and then have all the info and links added.
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Fresh dried figs. Almonds covered in dark chocolate. I used some of the Gibbs brand shave soap there. It burned in a way i didnt like so i chucked it. I would promise him 40 bucks US to bring you back as much as that will get you.

40 US = 71 Lira. At about 1.75 Lira for a stick of Arko, he would have a suitcase just for you :) I hope he is a good friend and doesnt mind packing your luggage :)
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