I Turkish friend of mne is returning home for a short holiday to visit his parents, he already brought me Arko, is there any other product I should ask him to bring back?
I was thinking at least a Palmolive Cream or stick i have hear you guys chat about...
Any blades worth getting? any thing else you know of that will be easy to find?
Any non-shaving turkish items, i am embarrassed to say I know not much of turkish goods other than "delight", coffe, cigs, and hookah tobacco!
I was thinking at least a Palmolive Cream or stick i have hear you guys chat about...
Any blades worth getting? any thing else you know of that will be easy to find?
Any non-shaving turkish items, i am embarrassed to say I know not much of turkish goods other than "delight", coffe, cigs, and hookah tobacco!