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TTO Repair for British Aristocrat #15



I bought a Aristocrat #15 and the TTO mechanism pulled out. If unscrewed and pushed up the doors would open. In other words it functioned just not correctly. The following is a picture with the TTO mechanism pulled out. View attachment 128450

I have looked around and not seen fix for this problem. I spent some time trying to disassemble the handle without success. I'm not sure you can even unscrew the handle. I tried the custom made screwdrivers recommended in other threads to no avail. After looking closely and thinking about it for awhile I decided that the proper assembly must look something like this.

View attachment $Aristocrat #15.jpg
What I guessed had happened was the inside of the indent in the outer casing had worn or become uncrimped and was no longer staying inside the corresponding slot in the TTO mechanism. This allowed the TTO end to pull out. Next I had to figure out how to solve the problem. My solution was as follows: First I wrapped the outer casing indent with a plastic tape to protect the finish. Then I looked for a wire about the same radius as the indent. I settled on cutting a piece of 12 gauge Romex used for wiring a home. I cut the wire and stripped out the ground wire. It is the one without the outer covering. Now that I write this I may have been better off using the wire with the insulation still on for extra protection. I carefully bent and cut the wire so that it made a complete wrap around the razor.

View attachment $IMG_0008.jpg
Next I unscrewed the TTO pushed the TTO all the way in with the head open (I closed the razor sometime during the process which was a better way to make sure the TTO was all the way in) and then used a small hose clamp to apply pressure and re-crimp the indent in the outer casing.

View attachment $IMG_0009.jpg
I took my time applied and released pressure several times. I shifted the clamp a wire around and also used a set of pliers over the hose clamp in order to make sure the new crimp was even. The end result, I could not even tell that I had done anything, but the TTO works just the same way another mechanically perfect Aristocrat #15 I have does.

View attachment 128466
The razor was not entirely perfect to begin with, but it is better condition than my other Aristocrat #15. The best part, I picked it up with a nice case for $80 including shipping from mr-razor on the German eBay site. I have learned a lot from participating in this forum. I hope someone finds this helpful and can understand my explanation. If there is a common problem for others, I can try to improve the documentation of the repair.
I think you can re crimp this by using something like a plumbers tube cutter.

Blunt the cutting wheel or replace it with something like a coin.



I guess I did not do enough searching. I had thought about the tubing cutter to re-crimp, but could not figure out what to replace the cutting wheel with. I didn't think about just grinding the existing blade down. A penny would probably work great and the softer metal may help protect the razor. I'll have to try that next time.
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