Has anyone used Tryphon shave cream, particularly the Rose and Lime scents? Thinking of buying some and did not see a review and curious about your thoughts on this inexpensive cream?
Dude, "He who must not be Named" has been closed for a while. The message currently on the site is only slightly less ambiguous than it was, so you should make sure you can even get his stuff before you get your heart set on it.
He's not going to reopen. In the interest of answering your question, here's a link that explains it. http://www.shavemyface.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37412
There's a member of B&B, Hyperwarp, I guess it's the same individual, (please correct me if I'm incorrect.) who is operating a new web-based internet store that sells some of the same kind of products.
Gary, thank you for posting this. I too had a very good experience with Gio, despite his persona non grata status on B&B, I was sad to see him close up shop. Hopefully, the Shoebox will fill in the gap.
Well I have some Noxzema Lather Cream and an Omega brush on the way from Shoebox, which is one of the things I wanted to buy from Tryphon.
Has anyone used Tryphon shave cream, particularly the Rose and Lime scents? Thinking of buying some and did not see a review and curious about your thoughts on this inexpensive cream?