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Trying to decide on my first Simpsons, your advice would help!

Ok, so what the headline says. I know most beginners are usually pointed in the direction of the Colonel but there's a few handle shapes I like from an aesthetic standpoint a little more.

Basically I wanted to ask if there's anyone out there with a Keyhole 2 or 3 that could provide some input. I also like the Eagle. There don't seem to be much about those two featured on this site (or really anywhere) in comparison to the scads of reviews for the Chubby, Duke, Colonel, Commodore, Wee Scot etc.

Basically my favorites are the Key Hole, Eagle, and 57/58. Can anyone tell me the pros/cons or their experience with these brushes? I'm going for ones in Best Badger.

Thanks again guys.
I have an Eagle G1 in pure, the smallest of the bunch. For me it's a perfect handle shape, sits in the palm and your fingers wrap around it nicely. As I say it's in pure but I got a good one. It's as soft as my Duke 2 in best. I cant comment on the other sizes but I hear the Eagle G3 may be a bit big. For a face latherer the G1 suits just fine IMHO.

So what do you do? Face lather, bowl lather, soap or cream? these will all help with any choice.
I've been mostly bowl lathering with creams, face lathering with soaps. I've had good results with both, although I would like a DB/SWK scuttle at some point.

Thanks for the reply!
If you use creams, a silvertip is excellent and if you use soaps, think about the super/two-band. Budget constraints may include a Best Badger. Your preference for knot and handle size is very important especially if you have large hands. That being said, the 50 series in Best is probably one of the best values and has a very comfortable handle; 57 and 58 are the ones that I enjoy the most and are in Best badger. Most scuttles are easier to use with the longer handle brushes and the face lathering is normally better with a Chubby. So, maybe you need to make a personal list of what is important to you and decide upon a budget figure. The two bands in the Chubby series will be the most expensive because of the quality and quantity of hair in their large knots.
The 57 would handle your face and bowl lathering extremely well. I personally find the Keyholes to not be dense enough for my liking (YMMV), and the Pure hair in the stock Eagles will be pretty scratchy.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
The keyhole shape is one of the best brushes to hold, one of the reasons the B&B 2012 LE brush was in this style. It is one of the all time classics for me, this one and the PJ.
Thanks Rudy! I'm in Bradley Beach, NJ btw haha. I like the look of the Key Hole handle the best by far.

To Doug and Beg: thanks, I like the 57 a lot. My budget is approximately a hundred bucks. That puts most super and 2 bands out of my range.
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