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Trying Blades is the Fun Part

I'm relatively new to the whole DE wetshaving, but I find that my favorite part of the experience so far has been trying all the different types of blades. It's really amazing the difference between the different blades and it makes me realize how small differences in manufacturing processes can make a huge difference. Using the same razor with different blades can yield dramatically different shaves. Even the same blade and razor combo will be different for different users! This type of shaving opens up wide variations so you can really find the best possible shave for yourself.

So far, I am a fan of the Astra and Crystal blades and find them to work wonderfully in my Merkur 1904. The Feathers and Derby's are my least favorites with Personna Reds close behind. In the middle are Wilkinsons and Merkurs.

I just ordered a huge variety pack from West Coast Shaving and can't wait to try out a bunch more blades!
Verity is the spice of life.

I shave with a different razor and blade every day.

More fun than a barrel of monkeys
I've been switching daily too. I put all my blades in a pile and shuffled them - I take the top blade every day and it's like a little 'surprise'. I'm weird like that though.
The diffrance in blades is amazing but I wouldn't change them every day I find the second shave with a blade is the best but it might just be me.

I enjoyed it, but now I fear it.

I tried Derby blades, horrible results, ingrowns, etc...

A few others left me with skin irritation, nasty results

So the blue Gillettes for me is the only blade I use, but different razors is still fun.
I agree! Actually, trying all sorts of different things is fun, but blades are the cheapest thing to obsess over, for certain.

After almost two years of the new hobby, I'm still trying different blades. Today I finally got around to using a Topaz Platinum for the first time, having found a pack at a local Indian market about a year ago. A few months ago I tried a vintage carbon steel blade for the first time, and I've riffed through about a dozen-or-so of the various antique brands recently. It's all about broadening one's perspective, especially once you're confident in your technique.
I've worked through one sample pack, now I'm going to try an assortment of blades another member sent me. I try to do at least three shaves with a blade, which is about a weeks worth of shaves for me, then I'll move to the next brand.
Absolutely true. I wouldn't take the risk to get bored from using only one thing in my life. No matter is it shaving or others. Those things what I use mostly the variety is a must. Just bought 6 different razors and planning to get 4 more. Just for fun. Some sort of investment but not an earthquake. Also noticed earlier many times that when putting money on a good quality items and if you don't like/use them later they are easy to sell further and get some money back. If you buy bad quality stuff you are never satisfied and nobody wants to buy them and you have totally wasted your money.
Funny you bring this up. I've tried different blades this past week in my Futur and SS but was left with a wee bit tender jawline. So after the third day of this I just have to hit "reset" and go with a combo that leaves me without any problems. Love variety on occasion but it's good to know what I can fall back on.
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