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Trumper's Skin Food

I recently ordered a bottle of Trumper's Skin Food along with an order of Baxter Shave Cream. However, I have no idea on how the Skin Food is used. Obviously, this stuff is pretty expensive so I want to maximize my utility. From what I understand it is used as both a pre-shave oil and an ASB. My normal post-shave operation goes something like this:

Cold Water Rinse -> Poraso Pre/Post Shave -> Witch Hazel -> Cold Water Rinse -> AS Splash

I was thinking of just substituting the AS Splash with a dose of Skin Food. Feel free to post your opinions on the product or how you use it. Thanks in advance.
I use my favorite AS and follow with Trumpers skin food a little later. I like the sandalwood and with about 4 or 5 drops in my palm, rub my hands together and then moisturize my entire face. I don't really need it in the summer where I live but I use it everyday during cold weather. A bottle will last months.
Skin food is great as a pre-shave just a tiny pea sized amount will cover your face before you apply lather (I only do two passes so I use it for each pass).

As a post shave it is really effective if your going to have a heavy day, use it as the final step before you leave the bathroom and it will really protect your face without feeling like a mask, you won't notice it but I have found it really effective (when I shower in the evening I can feel it washing off, but don't feel it on my skin otherwise).

A little goes a long way with this stuff so you will get the idea just aim to use less each time until it doesn't cover your face (people complain it's greasy or oily but I would think they use too much).
After my cold rinse, I put a little amount in the palm of my hand and work it in my face. Variations of this are:
- Skin food + AS mix and work the mix into skin
- Skin food + Trumper's moisturizer mix and work the mix into skin

You only need few drops and voila
+1 to what everyone earlier said, I only use a dab of skinfood to cover my entire face, and i use it at the very end of my routine, its great stuff :)
+2. What I do is wash the lather off with warm water, followed by some cool water on my face, followed by Thayers Rose Petal or similar WH followed by GFT skin food a few minutes later. It only takes a drop or to of GFT to work.
Skin Food is the bomb. I think it's the best there is, if it's winter or you live in a cold climate. I use it if it's really cold and dry and I have given myself a particularly close shave (as with a Feather blade). It is on my A-list of products, along with Castle Forbes cream. I happen to like the West Indian Limes scent, so I haven't tried the other one yet. It's expensive, so I don't use it every day, or even close.

p.s. love the picture of Miles...
+2. What I do is wash the lather off with warm water, followed by some cool water on my face, followed by Thayers Rose Petal or similar WH followed by GFT skin food a few minutes later. It only takes a drop or to of GFT to work.

Jim, do you use aftershave either splash or balm ?

It lasts a hell of a lot of time. As guys said you only need a small drop of it. Keep face slightly wet and gently rub the food on your palms (to warm it a little) before you apply it. Then apply in down strokes on face and neck
I have a small bottle of the Sandlewood.

I usually pat my face dry, apply aftershave balm & then apply about 4 drops of the skin food.

When the bottle has been used would I rush out and buy another? No, I can survive without it.
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I use it as a pre shave, and as a moisturiser, lovely stuff, so easy to apply and so little needed:thumbup1:
Skin Food is the bomb. I think it's the best there is, if it's winter or you live in a cold climate. I use it if it's really cold and dry and I have given myself a particularly close shave (as with a Feather blade). It is on my A-list of products, along with Castle Forbes cream. I happen to like the West Indian Limes scent, so I haven't tried the other one yet. It's expensive, so I don't use it every day, or even close.

p.s. love the picture of Miles...

Thanks for the info. BTW I don't think there is a picture of Miles that exists where he doesn't look cool. :001_cool:
I have the coral and the limes. I like both and use them at the very end or a regular basis. Feels and smells great. The coral seems to hydrate my skin more than the limes.
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