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Trumper - NEW Cream Jar Partially Empty?

I was hoping someone could help me out.

I purchased some Trumper Coconut Oil Cream in a 200g container. When it arrived (today), I noticed that the lid was a little loose. Upon opening it, it seems as though there is some cream missing from the jar.

I'd be glad to go back to the vendor (or Trumper) with concerns. What I do not know is if this is normal.

I weighed the jar and all its contents (minus the box) and it weighed in at 310g. I don't know if the jar itself weighs 110g or if I was stiffed a bit.

Of course, I normally wouldnt complain but this stuff costs a mint and would like to ensure I've received what I should have.

Any help is appreciated.
If the whole tub weighs 310g, seems to me you're OK. These tubs are flimsy plastic things, have never weighted them but 110g seems reasonable.

You're not to first one to be puzzled by this, others also have reported that some creams get thrown around during shipping and the end result is that they looked not entirely filled. These creams are packed by weight, not by how much they fill the tub, there are never filled up to the rim anyway. There are often filled up to 80% of the tub I would say.

If some cream would have got out of the tub during shipping because of the lid coming loose, it would show in the packaging or on the outside tub, which would be somewhat dirty with dried cream on it.
These creams are packed by weight, not by how much they fill the tub, there are never filled up to the rim anyway.
I've had several creams from different vendors and all but one have been about 3/4 full or so upon arrival. The only one filled to the absolute brim was Almond shaving cream from Caswell-Massey.
Thanks all. You put my mind at ease. There was no visible leakage so I do not believe it was at issue.

There is plenty in the tub, mind you. Just trying to be a little frugal....:001_smile
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