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Truefitt and Hill

UPS rescheduled delivery of my Truefitt and Hill samples - they got delivered today instead of yesterday. I was like a kid at Christmas trying to find the package when I got home late last night only to discover - when I quit looking and checked the tracking site - that it wasn't delivered. But I'm now assured by the tracking site that the samples will be there when I get home.

So the question, which scent to try tomorrow - West Indian Limes Cologne -1805 Cologne -Spanish Leather Cologne -Freshman Cologne -Grafton Cologne -Trafalgar Cologne? Suggestions for my introduction to T&H?
Just put them all out on the floor, and then get down there and roll around in all of them! (jk) May we all have such decisions to make! Good luck, and keep us all posted on your opinion of them.
Well, you could sample them tonight, and find select places on your hands, arms and wrists to apply all of them. But not only will that cloud your olfactory judgment, but if you have loved ones at home, surely you love them enough not to subject them to that. Since there is no rational way to choose which one to try first, I suggest you write each fragrance name on a slip of paper, put the slips in a hat, and draw a new one at random each day. Have fun!
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UPS rescheduled delivery of my Truefitt and Hill samples - they got delivered today instead of yesterday. I was like a kid at Christmas trying to find the package when I got home late last night only to discover - when I quit looking and checked the tracking site - that it wasn't delivered. But I'm now assured by the tracking site that the samples will be there when I get home.

So the question, which scent to try tomorrow - West Indian Limes Cologne -1805 Cologne -Spanish Leather Cologne -Freshman Cologne -Grafton Cologne -Trafalgar Cologne? Suggestions for my introduction to T&H?

From the ones I smelled in person the 1805 and Spanish Leather are the only ones worth while in my opinion. Although I do love the Grafton creams the most by far... weird though huh?
1805 and Limes are the worthwhile mentions... Im working through my first set of samples (accidentally ordered 2!!)
So first I'll say I'm impressed with Truefitt and Hill's sample pack. It was shipped promptly and has a nice assortment of their products. For someone like me who is trying to get exposed to some different scents this is ideal. I wish every house provided a sample pack like this so you could work your way across their line.

Started with Grafton and did the whole thing, Grafton Shaving Cream, Grafton AS Balm and Grafton Cologne. I'm partial to soaps over creams but the shaving cream was very good. Sample size was substantial and I had plenty of lather left over after three passes. The AS Balm was also nice, absorbed quickly and there was enough for at least two shaves in the sample pack.

But this is about the cologne. Basenotes describes Grafton as top notes of citrus, heart notes of lavender and tarragon, and a basenote of incense. I didn't catch the top notes and could not have deconstructed the rest but I can see the lavender/tarragon fading to incense once that's described to me. The scent is very well integrated, fresh and clean. Soapy and reminiscent of the barbershop but light on it's feet. I find it very pleasant but it's too much of a typical aftershave/cologne scent for me. If someone gifted me a bottle I would probably wear it occasionally but this isn't something I'd buy for myself.

On to the next.

Pauls51, hope you'll add your impressions of the samples to the thread.
Tried the Trafalgar for today. Like yesterday, used the shaving cream, AS balm and cologne. High grades for the quality of the products and the T&H samples - nice amount of product.

Trafalgar isn't for me. Off my skin, the top note of Jasmine jumps off very floral and sweet. By the time it's dried down to the woody basenotes there's not much left. Not one I'll wear again.
Tried the Trafalgar for today. Like yesterday, used the shaving cream, AS balm and cologne. High grades for the quality of the products and the T&H samples - nice amount of product.

Trafalgar isn't for me. Off my skin, the top note of Jasmine jumps off very floral and sweet. By the time it's dried down to the woody basenotes there's not much left. Not one I'll wear again.

Had the same experience with Trafalgar myself. I really like the scent, but it's far too fleeting. You're doing it right, though... try one a day. Longevity, as well as how a scent develops as you wear it, should both be considered.

Spanish Leather was the first T&H Fragrance I fell in love with upon receiving their samples, but to each his own.
Today - the Freshman. I had some razor burn from my shave yesterday so I took the day off from shaving and used one of the samples that didn't have matching SC and ASB.

The scent is really nice and well integrated. The opening is citrus and florals. The dry down is a powdery floral - Royall Lyme had the same dry down on me. I like this but I think it may be too pretty for me - doesn't match me very well :)
I didn't like anything but the 1805 and Spanish Leather either, but I used the Grafton Cream and EdT samples that I got recently and I loved them... Very nice!
Well I went ahead and ordered the sampler as well to get my own time with all these scents. Whenever I get it as well I will write something up, compare notes. Although I need a bigger vocabulary to do that!
Today - success :) I wasn't impressed with Spanish Leather when I sniffed the vial, but I really like it on my skin. Opens with pencil shavings and as it dries down some leather notes come in. Some powder notes as well but spicier and less floral than what I got when the Freshman dried down. Very masculine and warm. This one goes on my list to consider buying.
Today - success :) I wasn't impressed with Spanish Leather when I sniffed the vial, but I really like it on my skin. Opens with pencil shavings and as it dries down some leather notes come in. Some powder notes as well but spicier and less floral than what I got when the Freshman dried down. Very masculine and warm. This one goes on my list to consider buying.

That's my wife's favorite scent of mine:thumbup1:
1805 today with the matching shaving cream and ASB. I slipped with the vial this morning and ended up dumping a lot of cologne onto my wrist - I was worried about the heaby application but this just disappeared on my skin. A quick open of citrus which died down very quickly. Within an hour nothing but a floral powdery scent was left and even that was pretty faint. Basenotes gives Cedar, Sandalwood and Musk as the base notes for 1805 but the Spanish Leather was the only T&H scent where I got any real wood in the scent. Don't think this one works for me at all.
trafalgar is the least derivative in their collection. so I would start there.
West Indian Limes is my personal favorite, the only truefitt i own, and I also have a backup bottle of it.
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