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Trouble selling items

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Hello. I'm not sure if this should be posted here, but i'll try anyway. Recently, I've been trying to sell some things I don't want that I bought and spent most of my money on, on badger and blade, on the shaving mall forum. I've been having a lot of trouble selling most things for a decent price especially. The items that I have, in my opinion, are in good condition, and I really want to sell, but it's really disappointing to me that I can't. I feel like some products just don't work for me and I like to experiment, but my experimentation is being limited with the lack of money since I'm having trouble getting a job, btw i'm only 19, not to judge or not asking for criticism, but i'm also a student and i'm working on getting a job, but it's still a task in progress. I was really hoping that somebody out of all the people here on badger and blade would be willing to help me get rid of some stuff, but I don't want to lose all the money I put into it, i'll try and be fair about the price, but I really need the money to kind of hedge my investments on further experimentation of various creams, soaps, especially brushes. If anybody can help me out with some tips about selling things on here, I would greatly appreciate it, it's really disappointing me. And I don't like this two week rule on B & B, maybe it's better than some of the other forums which I won't name here, but I'd like to understand the real rationale behind it, I don't think I have to be a moderator to have the right to say that, or maybe I'm wrong, but still, it's really affecting me since I feel like I have to wait half a month just to sell a cream or soap

That brings me to my next question, which relates to tips for selling products. Are people more likely to buy if I give options and throw in free blades or less likely? It seems like the less I put into one post, the more often I get a response and those were the only times I've been selling things successfully. But the problem is, with this two week rule, it's a painfully slow process and it's really inhibiting my experimentation. I'm not one of those guys who has so much money that I can buy a bunch of simpsons brushes and expensive creams, but I want to sell some of the creams I don't like to buy more of my favorite since it ran out and just got re introduced in the US actually. However, I feel like I have to "live with" the bad shaves I am getting due to products that I have to continue using since I feel like i'm spending too much on buying other products. I would feel much better to kind of hedge my "losses" (products that I don't like too much), and sell those to get new ones to experiment with.
I just looked at your sales threads. Not a picture in any of them. That's problem 1. People want to see what they are buying.
Secondly, people like to buy good deals. $15 for a used Omega is not a good deal. I saw you had posted some Musgo and half a tub of razorock for $15. I can go buy them cheaper new. Post pictures and remember you are selling used stuff not new.

If you want to post things for sale more than every two weeks, you can buy a hobby or vendor subscription.

And, further, sounds like your priorities are out of order if I may. Your 19, short on cash, going to school. Get what works and deal with it. You don't just get to have everything you want because you want it. Work your way up, in ALL things.
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I just looked at your sales threads. Not a picture in any of them. That's problem 1. People want to see what they are buying.
Secondly, people like to buy good deals. $15 for a used Omega is not a good deal. I saw you had posted some Musgo and half a tub of razorock for $15. I can go buy them cheaper new. Post pictures and remember you are selling used stuff not new.

If you want to post things for sale more than every two weeks, you can buy a hobby or vendor subscription.

And, further, sounds like your priorities are out of order if I may. Your 19, short on cash, going to school. Get what works and deal with it. You don't just get to have everything you want because you want it. Work your way up, in ALL things.

+1 on the pics, Pic+good price point=sale
First off, well said. Many members aren't fans of the 2 week rule. I see you are in NJ so that's a big bonus already as most members internationally do suffer from international shipping obstacles. Pictures are a must. Quality, clear pictures are essential to buyers. I never show interest in anything that I can't see on BST. Even when it's a close friend I still ask for a picture and detailed description. Along with a sale also offer a trade on what you know you like. That will help stockpile what woks for you if a trade works out.

I applaud you for inquiring and disagree on the above post, you have a hobby at 19 that is inexpensive to most and it's better than what others are doing at 19. Compared to what most 19 year olds priorities were when they were that age, I'd say you're ahead of the game!
I agree with everything Bob said. You want to recoup as much of your initial purchase price as you can, we get it but we've got some pretty savvy and intelligent people on this forum. They're probably not going to buy something sight unseen or when the used price is close to the new price.

You don't need to experiment to get a good shave. Purchase some products that are tried and true like D.R. Harris Arlington soap. You'll need to replace physical experiment with spending time and researching a product as you can before purchasing it. It'll be a good lesson for later in life when you make other purchases.

If you want to make shaving experimentation a priority then you'll have to give up other things. Yeah, it's tough not being able to buy what you want, when you want but delayed gratification builds character and financial responsibility.
I'll put this as gently as possible.

You made unnecessary purchases at the same time that you were short on money. There's problem numero uno.

Secondly, you're disillusioned by the fact that your listed items, in your terms, aren't going for an acceptable amount of cash.

Let's remember that, first and foremost, wetshaving is a hobby and perhaps not a widely recognized one. Soaps, creams, aftershaves, razors, etc. aren't much of an investment opportunity. Used products of that sort shouldn't be expected to command some high premium or some imaginary return on investment. This is an outstanding community of people, but they're not going to go out of their way to supplicate some new guy because they happened to make poor buying decisions. That doesn't happen in the real world and it won't happen here.

However, I feel like I have to "live with" the bad shaves I am getting due to products that I have to continue using since I feel like i'm spending too much on buying other products.

Right, welcome to B&B! I can't help the fact that you're experiencing a few quirks outside of your personal comfort zone. All of this is a very individual and independent endeavor and the money you choose to spend and the reactions thereof are your own responsibility. Product guidance on B&B is, in my opinion, second to none; but, what's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander. What else am I supposed to say? Do you know how much money I've spent on products that didn't work for me? Don't even wanna think about it. However, I don't rely on BST buyers to give me some awesome return on my money, either.

As far as BST selling advice, all I can tell you is that you first research previous listings of the same product and estimate a decent price depending on condition, amount of use, etc. Your used tub of Trumper's Rose isn't going to command the same price as new. Also, we tend to look out for one another and may even price our items a bit below what we'd expect to sell at. This is a community and a damned good one, at that. You can find awesome deals on hot products on the BST, and to me, that means that I need to list items very competitively priced in order to sell it.

If all else fails, there's always eBay.

Good luck!
I just looked at your sales threads. Not a picture in any of them. That's problem 1. People want to see what they are buying.
Secondly, people like to buy good deals. $15 for a used Omega is not a good deal. I saw you had posted some Musgo and half a tub of razorock for $15. I can go buy them cheaper new. Post pictures and remember you are selling used stuff not new.

If you want to post things for sale more than every two weeks, you can buy a hobby or vendor subscription.

And, further, sounds like your priorities are out of order if I may. Your 19, short on cash, going to school. Get what works and deal with it. You don't just get to have everything you want because you want it. Work your way up, in ALL things.

+1 to everything bobfarvour said. You mention that you'd like to try out lots of different products (we all do) but I would suggest Gary's sample shop or something similar so that you can try out different things for a relatively low cost. I think software in general doesn't sell as well on the BST unless it's brand new because the demand for used soaps/creams is pretty low especially for lower end products. Sorry, but Musgo is really easy to get and Joe from Italianbarber stocks all of the Razorock products for a fair price with cheap shipping to the US.

Also, at 19, I wasn't taking part in traditional wet shaving like you are and I think you're making the right move. But this is an expensive hobby. Few, if any, members of B&B are saving money unless they're sticking with one razor, one brush, and one cream/soap. If money is tight for you, I would suggest sticking with the low end stuff. There are a lot of great products that are cheap including Tweezerman badgers, Omega boars, Arko, Proraso, etc.

I won't pretend to completely understand supply and demand on the BST but things that sell well are generously priced. If it's a relatively common item, it'll probably sell well if it's 60-70% of its cost. If it's a higher end item, e.g. Tradere OC or iKon razor, 80-90% is probably good. The point is, you'll lose money no matter what selling on the BST.

Good luck with the future sales and keep with the traditional wet shaving. I wish I had started at 19.
There were pictures in some of them, but I see your point there. What's a good deal on the Omega? The Musgo and razorock was one of the few deals that sold and I don't think it's cheaper new. Also, your point if flawed in telling me that it sounds like my priorities are out of order. How would I know what works if I don't try different products. I thought musgo real worked til I got it, I thought horse hair brushes worked til I got it and figured out I get skin irritation from them. I understand your point on pictures, but don't tell me my priorities aren't straight.

I just looked at your sales threads. Not a picture in any of them. That's problem 1. People want to see what they are buying.
Secondly, people like to buy good deals. $15 for a used Omega is not a good deal. I saw you had posted some Musgo and half a tub of razorock for $15. I can go buy them cheaper new. Post pictures and remember you are selling used stuff not new.

If you want to post things for sale more than every two weeks, you can buy a hobby or vendor subscription.

And, further, sounds like your priorities are out of order if I may. Your 19, short on cash, going to school. Get what works and deal with it. You don't just get to have everything you want because you want it. Work your way up, in ALL things.
First of all, thank you very much. That's very sound advice and actually, coincidentally enough, I just disagreed and made a reply to the post above and I thank you for your applause on inquiring haha. I definitely think that it's better than most of my friends are doing at 19, going to ridiculous college parties and shaving with disposable bics, not knowing anything of the importance of education, knowledge, and the way their grandfathers used to shave and the art of shaving. btw, as an engineering student, I really like your quote in your signature, i'll remember that one. once again, i really appreicate the help. If I may ask, what do you think is a good price for my omega 31064?

First off, well said. Many members aren't fans of the 2 week rule. I see you are in NJ so that's a big bonus already as most members internationally do suffer from international shipping obstacles. Pictures are a must. Quality, clear pictures are essential to buyers. I never show interest in anything that I can't see on BST. Even when it's a close friend I still ask for a picture and detailed description. Along with a sale also offer a trade on what you know you like. That will help stockpile what woks for you if a trade works out.

I applaud you for inquiring and disagree on the above post, you have a hobby at 19 that is inexpensive to most and it's better than what others are doing at 19. Compared to what most 19 year olds priorities were when they were that age, I'd say you're ahead of the game!
First of all, a lot of the research I have done has led me to overrated products, sometimes overpriced as well. Physical experiment in my opinoin is the only real way of knowing what a person likes, since it's not the people who write reviews that will be using the product on MY face. I have spent too much time researching and getting a product that I thought, from spending time researching, was good such as TOBS avocado only to figure out I didn't even like it.

I agree with everything Bob said. You want to recoup as much of your initial purchase price as you can, we get it but we've got some pretty savvy and intelligent people on this forum. They're probably not going to buy something sight unseen or when the used price is close to the new price.

You don't need to experiment to get a good shave. Purchase some products that are tried and true like D.R. Harris Arlington soap. You'll need to replace physical experiment with spending time and researching a product as you can before purchasing it. It'll be a good lesson for later in life when you make other purchases.

If you want to make shaving experimentation a priority then you'll have to give up other things. Yeah, it's tough not being able to buy what you want, when you want but delayed gratification builds character and financial responsibility.
The point of the BST is to get a little money back while helping a new wet shaver out by offering a more-than-fair price. You will not get most of your money back.

I am only two years older than you. Trying every product under the sun is just not feasible for people our age. Get two or three creams/soaps that get excellent reviews, one good boar brush, and a good, used razor. That should keep you going for a long time. Good luck :001_smile
My razor is good enough for me, but I don't want to use animal hair brushes anymore for ethical reasons. I'm planning on getting a synthetic brush soon, one of the new gen better ones talked about on the series by mantic59, but I want to sell some things first. I'll try to price more fairly. I never said I wanted to try every product under the sun, just experiment til I find what works. So far, i'm not too far away from what works best for me, I know which cream works best for me and razor and blade. All those took a good deal of experimentation to find, but now i'm happy and it was worth the journey of a lot of money spent comparatively to what I have and all that's left is the brush that works best for me and some pre shave/post shave stuff, but I can live with the pre shave post shave if I can't find one after some more experimentation and it ends up costing too much. There's a much longer story to this, but maybe that's for a different thread or you might want to hear it, I don't know.
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Honestly, I would be better off throwing a dart at a board than telling you what the omega is worth and that's just because I have no experience with omega products.

To fuel the discussion, tell us what you've tried in products, maybe we can steer you to a few oldies but goodies. Have you tried CO Bigelow yet?
If you know what you like or what works for you then your best bet is to list for a trade, and tell people what you are looking for. Something like I would like to trade XX blades and XX cream. I'm looking for YY blades or cream.
First of all, thank you very much. That's very sound advice and actually, coincidentally enough, I just disagreed and made a reply to the post above and I thank you for your applause on inquiring haha. I definitely think that it's better than most of my friends are doing at 19, going to ridiculous college parties and shaving with disposable bics, not knowing anything of the importance of education, knowledge, and the way their grandfathers used to shave and the art of shaving. btw, as an engineering student, I really like your quote in your signature, i'll remember that one. once again, i really appreicate the help. If I may ask, what do you think is a good price for my omega 31064?

drocu said 60-70% of the new cost and they go for about $24 new. I would say 50% of the new cost is a sell it quick price but it's a brush and it's a basic, entry level brush. Those facts mean it will be more difficult to find a buyer than it would be for a razor or a higher end brush. $10 shipped would be about right. Try bundling it with other items or try ebay with a opening bid or reserve of $10 and let the buyer pick up the shipping. You are more likely to find entry level buyers or shavers stepping up from a $3 brush on ebay.
I thought the 31064 was boar hair, not horse hair. Are you trying to sell it because it makes your face break out or because you can't get a good lather? Boar hair brushes take a little while to break-in. Try soaking it in shampoo and warm water. Boar hair brushes usually work better for soaps than creams.
Also, your point if flawed in telling me that it sounds like my priorities are out of order. How would I know what works if I don't try different products.

I think what bobfarvour meant is that shaving, which is a hobby, should be low on your priority list because you have more important things in life to worry about right now, such as school, finding a job, etc.
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Agree with jtb 100%. Pics are a necessity as well as a good price.
I participate in more than one forum where the BST actually REQUIRES:
1 - Price (O/B/O is acceptable, but a price must be posted, no auctions, first "best offer" at the asking price is the sale)
2 - Location and seller's willingness to ship
3 - Photos

Without all three, the mods will either lock or delete the thread.
In 10 days you went from wanting to trade your Boar brush for a Horse hair brush to being ethically opposed to the use of animal products?
The fact is that we all take a hit when we sell on B/S/T. Sometimes we take a big hit, sometimes a small one. Nobody is going to pay a price for something that is only a few bucks less than a new one. The other option is putting your items up for trade. I have successfully traded numerous items with other members. Everyone always seems to have something they don't want and willing to trade it to try something new. You may want to consider that........
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