Hello. I'm not sure if this should be posted here, but i'll try anyway. Recently, I've been trying to sell some things I don't want that I bought and spent most of my money on, on badger and blade, on the shaving mall forum. I've been having a lot of trouble selling most things for a decent price especially. The items that I have, in my opinion, are in good condition, and I really want to sell, but it's really disappointing to me that I can't. I feel like some products just don't work for me and I like to experiment, but my experimentation is being limited with the lack of money since I'm having trouble getting a job, btw i'm only 19, not to judge or not asking for criticism, but i'm also a student and i'm working on getting a job, but it's still a task in progress. I was really hoping that somebody out of all the people here on badger and blade would be willing to help me get rid of some stuff, but I don't want to lose all the money I put into it, i'll try and be fair about the price, but I really need the money to kind of hedge my investments on further experimentation of various creams, soaps, especially brushes. If anybody can help me out with some tips about selling things on here, I would greatly appreciate it, it's really disappointing me. And I don't like this two week rule on B & B, maybe it's better than some of the other forums which I won't name here, but I'd like to understand the real rationale behind it, I don't think I have to be a moderator to have the right to say that, or maybe I'm wrong, but still, it's really affecting me since I feel like I have to wait half a month just to sell a cream or soap
That brings me to my next question, which relates to tips for selling products. Are people more likely to buy if I give options and throw in free blades or less likely? It seems like the less I put into one post, the more often I get a response and those were the only times I've been selling things successfully. But the problem is, with this two week rule, it's a painfully slow process and it's really inhibiting my experimentation. I'm not one of those guys who has so much money that I can buy a bunch of simpsons brushes and expensive creams, but I want to sell some of the creams I don't like to buy more of my favorite since it ran out and just got re introduced in the US actually. However, I feel like I have to "live with" the bad shaves I am getting due to products that I have to continue using since I feel like i'm spending too much on buying other products. I would feel much better to kind of hedge my "losses" (products that I don't like too much), and sell those to get new ones to experiment with.
That brings me to my next question, which relates to tips for selling products. Are people more likely to buy if I give options and throw in free blades or less likely? It seems like the less I put into one post, the more often I get a response and those were the only times I've been selling things successfully. But the problem is, with this two week rule, it's a painfully slow process and it's really inhibiting my experimentation. I'm not one of those guys who has so much money that I can buy a bunch of simpsons brushes and expensive creams, but I want to sell some of the creams I don't like to buy more of my favorite since it ran out and just got re introduced in the US actually. However, I feel like I have to "live with" the bad shaves I am getting due to products that I have to continue using since I feel like i'm spending too much on buying other products. I would feel much better to kind of hedge my "losses" (products that I don't like too much), and sell those to get new ones to experiment with.