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tried MWF for the first time.

So what's the big deal about MWF soap?
It seems to be a well regarded around here. A staple of many a shave den.

Then I tried it. You see, I'm a cream guy. Don't like the soaps.
but this one... well... It's earned a place in my den.
and it'll be the only soap.

Then I tried it. You see, I'm a cream guy. Don't like the soaps.
but this one... well... It's earned a place in my den.

Same here.

I think my skin is a little sensitive to drying. Soaps, other than a select few, tend to do that much more than creams. MWF is for me the only soap that competes with the 3T's creams for skincare.

After re-milling my MWF back into its ceramic bowl I find that it lathers much easier than before.

I haven't tried to remill my MWF, but I have found with other soaps I have remilled, that they do lather easily. I really think the reason is, is that the soap is a little softer and more gets on my brush. The soap starts lathering quicker as well in the bowl or dish it is stored in, before even taking it out to face/bowl lather.

For me, I just wouldn't want to screw with MWF (I even bought the ceramic bowl to keep it all "o-natural."
tried it for the first time today as well. an excellent soap. the lather just looks unlike anything else. it looks super shiny and protects so well! definitely a keeper.
Man you guys are making this hard on me. Canada post is taking its time with my kent soap(from the kent ebay store). I can not wait to get it.
MWF is a really great stuff. I tried it about two weeks ago and it has become my daily soap. Nice scent, nice lather (I don't know what's the fuss about its lather...) and so beautiful skincare...
I used the Kent soap for the 1st time this morning - i am led to believe it is the same, just under diff packaging.

I thought i had lost the lather for a bit as it turned all airy and like foam after i had made the lather in my scuttle and was doing the Hot towel thing. Instead of chucking away and starting again, i added a couple of drops of water and got a lovely thick lather!

Is this normal? Airy foam like lather just requiring a touch more water?

Day 2 on the MWF. This time with a Slim and a Feather.
2 pass, WTG and XTG.
WOW! It's the best. It'll be hard to go with anything else.
i'm in love with MWF!:001_wub:
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