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Tried great soap, only...

I don't have a clue the brand! :eek: Last summer I went to Montreal on vacation and found a cigar shop that had a lot of shaving stuff. I bought several things, including what I assumed was the store brand triple milled soap. It was much less expensive than the other brands they had. I think it was $9 CDN. It didn't even come in a box. It is white and about 3 inched in diameter. The has a cologne-type scent that is quite nice. There is some French stamped on the top, that I assume translates to "shaving soap", and an antique tractor. I can't make out the name.

I used it for the first time this AM and lather just exploded from the soap. My EJ Silvertip Chatsworth brush whipped up gobs of thick, rich, slick, etc. lather! I wish I at least knew what soap it is...:biggrin:

Any ideas??
Do you happen to remember any details regarding the shop? I'll be in Montreal in a couple of days and it sounds like I might have to make a detour :).

gone down south

What are the French words? That might give us a clue....
I think the shop was Vasco's or something like that.

Yes, I am seriously thinking about a second trip to Montreal...
My fiancee and I are thinking about a honeymoon to Montreal and Mont Tremblant. Maybe you can just pay for our flight instead of taking the trip. :biggrin:
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