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Tried Cella For The First Time.

Cella is one I would love to try, heard nothing but good for years now...being broke and homeless will make it difficult though lol. It's on my list though once I get back on my feet, happy shaving :)
I try other soaps.

I shave with other soaps.

But if I could only have one, it would be Cella.

I never get a bad shave with it.
Shaved with Cella today and I`m so glad to have bought the 1 KG size off the bat and never testing Cella before buying for the first time. Very good value. After my shave with Cella I used some chocolate fragrance after shave. Mmmm marzipan almond Cella and chocolate after shave a great way to get on a good start of a day.
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