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Tried a couple of Derby Blades

I must say I am pleasantly surprised, I have got very nice shaves and no irritation. The Gillette super thin mejoradas (1st choice) and astras I have are still *a little* better/sharper, but I would not hesitate to have a 100 pack of these around as they do the job quite well. I expected them to be more in the category of Lords, but to me they are MUCH better. For the price I may order 100 to keep around. I have been using in an EJ89L (great razor).

I know it's ymmv, but in my case I think it has to do with having a soft, fine beard. It's thick but soft and fine. I do not think these are quite as sharp as some and a tough beard may have problems. I do think they are worth trying if you have a soft/fine beard.

I have some feathers coming that will be here after the first of next month, I have still not tried them.
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Derby blades get a bad rap but they are a fine product.

The super thin mejoradas are one of my tops too but I have not been able to locate any in quite a while. If you have a source for them I would like to have a talk with you about this :001_smile
I do have a source, but I am in central mexico. I got 100 a couple of weeks ago and I know where there are more.:) They look like they have been there for a while, but work great. PM me if you like.
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I get along very well with Derby blades. Definitely not the sharpest blade out there but I get a very good shave when I use them. I bought 100 of them not too long ago.
I am also a fan of Derby blades. Not the best, but by far not the worst to me. I picked up a 100 a few years ago and am almost done with them, and wouldn't hesitate to buy them again if I didn't already have enough blades to last me a few lifetimes.
Derby's remain an occasional part of my rotation, too, as a pleasant change of pace from the much sharper blades I generally use. I've read about supposed quality-control problems, but I've only had a couple of substandard Derby's over two years of use, which is no big deal at about $10 per tuck.
Derby's remain an occasional part of my rotation, too, as a pleasant change of pace from the much sharper blades I generally use.

You've got a point, to me they seem milder on the face and that's something good to have on hand for a "bad face" day.

The only blade which I was able to rule out as pure disappointment was the Shark.

I have never tried sharks, but I still shudder when I think about lord's.
Derby's to me seem inconsistent. I can put a fresh one in and it is marginal at before I toss it after a couple of shaves. Other times it seems I come across a gem that is one of the best blades I've used.
Derby's are my go-to blade. They are plenty sharp and I rarely get nicks. I get acne, from time-to-time, and the Derby's are smooth enough not to carve up the imperfections.
Derby's are my go-to blade. They are plenty sharp and I rarely get nicks. I get acne, from time-to-time, and the Derby's are smooth enough not to carve up the imperfections.

I agree. They cut my soft whiskers well,but are kind to the skin.
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