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Travels to Italy-Is it a stock up opportunity?

I have a family member who will be traveling to Italy. Is this an opportunity to stock up on some shaving supplies that can be had significantly cheaper there than can be had here (U.S.) or by mail order? If so, what should they be looking for and what might be readily available in common stores?
first check this out http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Italy_Shaving_Supplies

The most abundant products are Proraso and Omega and Prep. these are all pretty cheap and can usually be found in most grocery stores. If your family member will be in Florance they can snag up some Santa Maria Novella. It's right near the train station. pretty spendy stuff but a lot cheaper there than here. heres a link http://www.smnovella.it/catalogo.html?path=CTG-CTM001,CTG-CTM001-7
Also cella can be found here and there.
I just got back from Rome. I found supplies less available than I had hoped, but did find some stuff to bring home. I got a couple of tubs of Prep soap and a glass bowl of Tabac. The Prep was a couple euros a tub and the Tabac was 15. Profumeria Casamaria near the Pantheon had the whole line of Tabac and Floid Amber and Blue. Blue was 15 euros. I would have purchased some, but flew carry-on only this trip so I was limited to soaps. Profumeria Muzio on Via Del Tritone (between the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps) has all kinds of stuff, but their prices were really high. Profumeria 179 on Corso Vittorio Emmanuel II has Acqua di Parma and some other items all full retail plus prices. The Santa Maria Novella store might be the best smelling place on the planet, I just couldn't justify the cost of the soap. I really wanted to find a few tubs of red Proraso, but didn't find one bowl in all the farmacias and small grocery stores I searched. We were right near the Piazza Navona so there weren't any really large supermarkets nearby. There were a couple small Carrefour stores that I entered, that is were I got the Prep soap.
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Thanks for the Wiki link, that was very helpful. I'll have to so some research and make up a little shopping list. I'm primarily looking for tube creams and hoping to at least get some of the other Proraso creams (I have the green.) on the cheap. I'll probably steer away from the high end stuff and go for the cheaper, grocery store type of stuff.
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