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Traveling to Ohio

Hey I was wondering if you guys knew of any good places to find razors in the wild or shave shops around Troy Ohio? Also any good places to get a straight razor shave? I will be going to school for two weeks starting Sunday for work. Any other places of interest would great.
Hey I was wondering if you guys knew of any good places to find razors in the wild or shave shops around Troy Ohio? Also any good places to get a straight razor shave? I will be going to school for two weeks starting Sunday for work. Any other places of interest would great.

Yea... There is that big wet place at the far north... What's it called now?

Oh yea

Lake Erie :lol:

Wright Patterson air force museum is close. Very cool if you like aviation at all. Plus its free to get in to. Not sure about getting a shave around there
Yeah i would love to go to Lake Erie. But with the Certified Welding Inspection class I most likely wont have time to drive that far due to the dreaded homework.:crying::scared: That scary six hour exam
Will have to try to hit the Air force museum so pretty cool due to my grandfather being a aircraft mechanic during Korea.
Will have to try to hit the Air force museum so pretty cool due to my grandfather being a aircraft mechanic during Korea.

Lennartz Old Time Barbershoppe is two minutes from the museum gate. It's appointment only but you can book online easily. It has private booths and is a nice experience. Shave and a haircut is $25.

There is an enormous antique group mall in Ohio I recall going to several years ago.


If you go, arrive early as it will take you all day to walk through. Longer if you want to look at anything

There is two or three places right off the same exit that typically yields some pretty good stuff. YMMV
We have been avoiding Ohio because of their BSL laws which is why my experience with antique stores and malls in Ohio is rather dated.
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