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Travel Kit

Hey Gents:

I am a newly minted member of this forum. I had previously been a mere lurker, attempting to learn as much as I could to acquire the proper materials and technique before my first attempt at shaving. I feel like I have generally succeeded except for a few relatively minor issues. I have done some searched and have not found what I was looking for................

One of my concerns is having to jump back and forth between a DE and a (dare I say it?) disposable. You see, we like to travel a bit. Sometimes it's in a car, and more often as not in better weather, on our touring motorcycle. As you can imagine, we have to pack light on the bike for our week-long trips. For the most part, I was thinking I would just throw a disposable in my toiletry kit and continue on.

But, I have read on this and other forums, it's generally not a good idea to jump back and forth. I don't know if I understand the reasoning, but I am anxious to know 2 things:

1) Is it generally OK to go back and forth between a disposable and a DE?

2) What would YOU pack if you were very limited in the amount of space you had available?
a) How would you pack as complete a kit as possible, considering space is at a premium?

If the consensus is to NOT jump, I'm thinking of packing a newly acquired vintage Gillette Tech razor, a package of blades, a tube of shave cream, a brush and maybe a styptic or alum.

Any ideas on how to make this a very compact, yet complete kit? I'll bet some of you have done this already.

Since it has already snowed here, it's not likely that we'll be taking the bike out on any trips until this coming Spring, so I have a little time, but I'm in the acquisition mode an am anxious to learn something else that's new!
I tour on my bike as well. I really don't see the space savings of a disposable over a tech. The razors are almost the same size.

I pack a 4 piece tech (2 piece handle) small brush, few blades and small tube of cream. All packs into a compact package.
I use a Glad bowl as my travel shaving bowl. They come in packs of 4 or so bowls with lids for a few bucks. You could probably fit your regular DE razor, your brush, some blades, and maybe even a travel size tube of shaving cream in the bowl with the lid on it.
The Glad bowl is a great idea! Multiple uses for the bowl, sturdy enough to not crush the contents, cheap, readily available and roomy enough for just about everything I would need.

Ideally, I would like one that I could roll up in my regular toiletry kit, but I'm liking the Glad bowl idea.
Must haves-
Gillette travel tech
Simpson duke 1 in simpson travel cade
5 pack of blades

Could bring-
Tube of TOBS
Small bottlke of aftershave

Remember you can always lather up with the soap from a hotel or something so if you are really strapped for space you don't even need to bring soap.

You've got a tech, throw a couple spare blades in the case if you have one, Speick/Palmolive/Arko/La Toja/some small stick, Wee Scott/18mm brush, and away you go. If you learn to face lather, you don't need a bowl.

I've got the above, with a German Travel DE that cases at 1.5" x 1.5", La Toja, Wee Scott and it all fits in the palm of my hand. A travel toothbrush, travel paste, a 10 pack of baby wipes, 3 oz Dr Bronner's Castile soap for body wash/shampoo and it all fits in a Dopp kit the size of my hand. It lives in my truck full time, or goes with me on a short trip if I don't want to bring the whole travel set up.

I primarily shave with straights, and now have a shavette that I could throw in there as well.
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